Hallyu superstar Lee Min-ho celebrated his birthday on June 22. The talented star turned 36 years old, and his Indian fanbase, "Lee Min Ho Lovers India," organized many activities to commemorate this special day for him, including dedicating a self-written song.
Rajita Veni Saladi, the founder of the fan club, has penned the lyrics for the song. Notably, Saladi has also chosen the theme and concept for the birthday special song that has been composed, produced, and sung by a talented artist named Mukuntha Sharma.
"This melodic tribute is exclusively dedicated to you, dear Minho oppa. Every verse, every note resonates from the very core of our beings, expressing the boundless love we hold for you. With utmost sincerity, we wholeheartedly hope that you will lend your ears to this musical dedication," the official Lee Minho India fan page wrote on Instagram.
It is no secret that Lee Min-ho has a great voice and enjoys singing as well, despite never having formally trained for it. The Heirs actor released his first EP, My Everything, in May 2013, a decade ago, and a second EP in the following year, titled Song For You, in October 2014. He released two single albums, The Day in November 2015 and Always in March 2017.
Lee Min-ho’s Indian fanbase gifted the star a Pashmina shawl, wooden elephants and other gifts, apart from dedicating a melodious song
Lee Min-ho’s Indian fanbase took their annual birthday celebrations for the Pachinko actor a notch higher by dedicating a melodious song that encapsulates their deepest feelings and expresses their sincere gratitude towards him.
The fan club hopes the song provides him comfort and assurance during his difficult times and reminds him of the love his Indian fans have for him. Notably, Lee Min-ho’s birthday song is sung entirely in English and features some of his never-before-seen and rare moments in video format.
Rajita stated that they were greatly inspired by his philanthropic and charitable ways and his deep desire to save planet Earth. For those unaware, the actor established the charity platform PROMIZ in 2014 to raise awareness and encourage donations for social and humanitarian causes. The Legend of the Blue Sea star’s Indian fanbase made a generous donation of Rs. 10,000 to save Asian elephants and conserve them. The amount has been donated to WWF India. Notably, his charity foundation, PROMIZ, is an official partner of the WWF.
His Indian fanbase also sent him handpicked gifts representing Indian culture and beauty. The gifts included a Pashmina shawl made from Cashmere wool. These premium shawls are native to the beautiful valleys of Kashmir. Apart from the shawl, the club also gifted the star a wall hanging featuring the beautiful Taj Mahal on it, a painting depicting the state of Rajasthan and its natives, and finally, two little wooden elephants handcrafted in India.
Finally, they sent the Pachinko actor a beautiful bouquet of assorted flowers in white and pink packaging with a handwritten note proclaiming their boundless love and gratitude towards him. They shared the details about his birthday gifts and hoped that he found joy and happiness in the gifts he shared. The note was wrapped in a purple ribbon.
Last year, the Boys Over Flowers star’s Indian fanbase organized a lunch at an orphanage named Sishumandir Children’s Home in Bengaluru, where they fed 30 children with lunch and cake. In the past, the Indian fanbase adopted a panda for a year, donated clothes to the poor last winter, planted 500 trees in collaboration with WWF, and donated funds to COVID-19 fund relief in collaboration with WWF.
What is Lee Min-ho up to these days?
The actor recently starred in the Emmy-nominated Korean-American production Pachinko, a heartwrenching saga spanning four generations of Korean immigrant families and how their riveting tale unfolds across Korea, Japan, and the United States through the eyes of its main protagonist, Sunja. The Apple TV production stars Lee Min-ho, Minha Kim, Youn Yuh-jung, Jin Ha, and Jung Eun-chae, amongst others. Second season of the show is already underway.
Lee Min-ho will also star in the quirky romantic-comedy drama Ask the Stars opposite Gong Hyo-jin. It is said to be a sweet love story between an astronaut and a space tourist who meet and fall in love with each other at a space station. Ask the Stars will be released sometime in 2023. More details will be revealed over time.