On Tuesday, May 3, the LEGO Group announced one of their unique set pieces yet, featuring the logo of the classic British rock band, the Rolling Stones. The toymaker launched this latest set piece to commemorate the band's 60th anniversary.
As per the official press release,
“The bright red lips and tongue known worldwide as the logo for the Rolling Stones will thrill adult fans looking to combine their passion for the band’s music and LEGO® bricks.”
The firm also revealed that the 1,998-piece is the “first organically shaped set from LEGO Art.” They also disclosed that the set piece will come with a surprise.
When is the Lego ‘Rolling Stones’ set piece releasing?
The new set piece is all set to be released on June 1, as per the press release. However, the toymaker's online store states that the release date is on August 1. The set is mainly targeted towards adult buyers as the bricks can cause choking hazards.
According to the official release document, the Rolling Stones Lego set piece comes in at “over 22 in. (57 cm) high and 18.5 in. (47 cm) wide.” The box features a QR code that provides access to exclusive content like a soundtrack from the band, which would “have almost an hour of tailor-made content.” The content will also include an exclusive interview with graphic designer John Pasche, creator of the iconic tongue and lips logo for the band in 1970.
Pasche shared his initial reaction to seeing the set piece to Lego. He said:
“Who would have believed, 50 odd years ago… that design would be made into a LEGO piece. Wow!”
The set piece will feature 1,998 pieces, which will also include nine brick baseplates, a brick-built frame, and two hanger elements to fixate the 3-D piece on the wall. Design Manager of the Lego Group Fiorella Groves said:
“Since the tongue logo is one of the most recognized logos, our biggest challenge was to figure out how we could get the LEGO Art design as close to the original as possible. Previous sets have been created with 1x1 round LEGO tiles as a mosaic, but this time, in the spirit of being more Rock ‘n’ Roll, we have used the full spectrum of LEGO bricks to capture the organic curves that John created. Hearing his reaction to our final design makes me so happy!”
Price of the Lego 'Rolling Stones' piece
As per the press release, the Rolling Stones Lego piece will be available for $149.99, with an estimated delivery of the product within three to five business days from the date of its order. As of now, the pre-orders have not yet begun, however, they are expected to start near the end of May. According to the company’s policies, an unopened package can still be returned for a full refund within three months from the date of purchase.