The upcoming American animated television series X-Men '97, set to premiere on Disney+ on March 20, 2024, has stirred up significant controversy ahead of its release. The controversy revolves around the gender identity of a particular character in the upcoming show.
Fans were surprised to discover that Morph, a fictional character in the X-Men universe, has been portrayed as non-binary. This alteration to the character's gender identification has sparked backlash from many fans, who have been vocal in their criticism of the show's creators. However, many expressed concern that this revelation might affect Wolverine.
An X user reacting to the depiction of Morph wrote,
Fans distressed as more details about Morph's character in X-Men '97 come to light
Marvel has quite the stronghold on the masses regarding their ways of art. Ahead of the release of popular shows and movies by Disney and Marvel, the media giants have always kept audiences engaged. Therefore, it is no news that Marvel comics fans have expressed their concern regarding a fan-favorite character in an upcoming Disney show.
It recently became publicized that a beloved character in the upcoming animated show X-Men '97 is non-binary, and fans have been going crazy ever since. The character in question here is Morph, who first appeared in the comics in X-Men Adventures #1 in November 1992. His first on-screen appearance was in Night of the Sentinels (Part 1) in October 1992.
Although some found this piece of news distressing, others argued that Morph's gender identity was always common knowledge and had nothing to do with Marvel and Disney trying to look "woke." A user pointed out that the makers of the movie during an X-Men '97 panel at San Diego Comic-Con in 2022 already mentioned the beloved character's gender identity, implying that there is no cause for acting surprised by the information.
Others were unconcerned about the news and said that Morph's non-binary arc did not bother them at all. While some others called out people on X for their "Queerphobic" behavior. Here's a string of tweets related to the same below:
Who is Morph in X-Men '97, a character that has got everyone talking?
Kevin Sydney is a fictional character featured in Marvel Comics. Initially introduced as Changeling, a shapeshifter who was an X-men nemesis but later became an ally. Soon after getting indoctrinated into the X-Men, the character died.
However, the character was reintroduced as Morph, an alternate reality version of Sydney, in 1990 in X-Men: The Animated Series, and later in the comics as part of the Exiles in 2001.
Where to watch X-Men '97?
Viewers can watch X-Men '97 on Disney+ from March 20, 2024, onwards. Recently, the trailer for the series was unveiled. Created by Beau DeMay, the first season of the show will comprise ten episodes. While a second season of the show is currently in development, other information regarding its potential release has not been disclosed.
It is also unclear if the show will have a limited release or if it will be released worldwide. However, given its massive popularity across the globe, fans can expect a global release.
The first season of X-Men '97 is all set to premiere on March 20, 2024, exclusively on Disney+.