Lifetime's upcoming thriller film, Swindler Seduction, is expected to arrive on the network on Saturday, October 22, 2022. The movie focuses on a young woman who meets a handsome man at a bar and is attracted to him. However, she later realizes that he's a con artist. Here's an excerpt from the official synopsis of the movie, as per Lifetime:
''When Louisa meets handsome and sweet Steve at a bar in Chicago, he seems like the perfect guy: an angel investor and entrepreneur who just sold a company for millions. 48 blissful, se*y hours and countless lies later, Steve disappears, and Louisa realizes she’s been swindled out of thousands of dollars.''
The movie stars Gabrielle Graham and Colton Haynes in the lead roles alongside many others essaying supporting roles.
Swindler Seduction cast list: Gabrielle Graham and others promise exhilarating performances
1) Gabrielle Graham as Louisa
Gabrielle Graham essays the role of Louisa in Swindler Seduction. Graham plays the fierce protagonist of the movie who sets out to find the man who conned her. In the process, she finds out some shocking truths.
Viewers expect her to deliver a powerful performance in this seemingly emotionally challenging role. Besides Swindler Seduction, Graham has starred in several films and shows like The Expanse, On the Basis of S*x, and 21 Thunder.
2) Colton Haynes as Steve
Actor Colton Haynes portrays the character of Steve in the film. Steve is the man that Louisa meets at a bar and gets attracted to. Based on the synopsis, Haynes seems to be playing a gray character, and viewers can look forward to an impressive performance from the actor.
Haynes also plays the character of Steve's twin brother, Mitch. Mitch is revealed to be another con artist who, along with his brother, has destroyed the lives of many women. Haynes is best known for his performances in MTV's Teen Wolf, the CW's Arrow, Bigger, and many more.
3) Tanisha Thammavongsa as Brooke Gomez
Tanisha Thammavongsa appears as Brooke Gomez in the movie. Details about her role are currently being kept under tight wraps by the network and makers. Thammavongsa's acting credits include The Clue to Love, A Very Country Christmas Homecoming, and Christmas Movie Magic.
Apart from the actors mentioned above, the thriller movie also features many others in significant supporting roles, including:
- Megan Hutchings as Holly Stokes
- Daniel Jun as Alex
- Nisa Gunduz as Shania
- Suzanne Cyr as Bonny
The movie is helmed by Jonathan Wright and written by Liz Lake. Wright is best known for his work on Awakening the Zodiac, Christmas Next Door, and Christmas Jars.
Based on Swindler Seduction's plot, viewers can expect a complicated character-driven thriller drama that explores several complex themes. Fans of Lifetime's popular crime thrillers like Lies Beneath the Surface, Dating Hell, and Charmed and Cheated will love this flick.
Don't forget to catch Swindler Seduction on Lifetime on Saturday, October 22, 2022.