Set in the 1980s, Light the Night is a Taiwanese thriller-drama series revolving around the lives of women working in a club at a red light area in Taipei. As these women navigate jealousy, heartbreak, friendship, and love, viewers get to become a part of their soap-opera lives.
The first season of Light the Night was released on Netflix on November 26, 2021, and the second season followed soon after, on December 30, 2021. This is highly unusual for any series on the platform, but it certainly gave fans a chance to jump right back into the cloak-and-dagger mystery.
Written by Ryan Tu and directed by Lien Yi-Chi, Light the Night stars Ruby Lin, Yo Yang, Cheryl Yang, Rhydian Vaughan, Derek Chang, Puff Kuo, and Esther Liu. The second season dives right into the search for Sue's killer and reveals more details about our beloved Light ladies.
'Light the Night' season 2 synopsis: The aftermath of Sue's murder
Light the Night season 2 picks up right after Sue's death and introduces some new characters as well as secrets that the women at Light have been harboring. The season begins with a look into Rose and Sue's past, delving deeper into their backgrounds and the evolution of their friendship.
Meanwhile, the first couple episodes of Light the Night season 2 unpack the reasons for events that went down one the day of Sue's murder between her and the other ladies, including Rose.
A significant one being Sue's transfer of management to the other ladies when she was about to leave for Japan. This not only provided Rose with more than one motive to kill Sue but also shifted the dynamics within Light.
Two prominent characters introduced at the beginning of the second season of Light the Night are rival club owner of Sugar, opposite Light, and Sue's mother. Both of them only bring in more trouble and drama. While Sue's mother's entry unveils a shocking truth about Tzu-Wei, Rose's son, the rival cross-dressing hostess threatens Light's bankruptcy.
Light the Night season 2 progresses with Wen-Cheng and his team questioning the employees of Light one by one and uncovering secrets about them. With more and more fingers pointing toward Rose as Sue's killer, she decides to set the record straight by going on the news with her truth, turning around Light's deteriorating popularity and also clearing her name.
'Light the Night' season 2 ending: Another murder?
As the ladies at Light rejoice with the club's soaring popularity, Wen-Cheng receives intel on Chiang Han being the possible killer. When a woman living across the street from Light comes forth with her testimony about Chiang Han visiting Sue a few hours before her murder, he is called in for questioning.
In the penultimate episode of Light the Night, Chiang Han becomes the central focus as a man humbled by a leaked secret and also a strong suspect in the murder case. However, when the police are unable to find enough evidence to arrest him, they let him go.
Chiang Han, now working as a drama teacher at Rose's son's school, manages to impress her with a school play starring her son that is based on a script he wrote and shared with Rose.
At the end of Light the Night season 2, Chiang Han is shown listening to a tape recorder that was handed over to him earlier by Rose. It had a recording of a woman panicking about another woman's death. Just as Chiang Han is on his way to meet Rose, he is hit by a speeding car and collapses on the road.
The final scene of the season leaves viewers with more mystery than solving the present mystery. Is Chiang Han dead? Is the man in the mirror Sue's killer? There's no choice but to wait for season 3 for these burning questions to be answered.
So in the conclusion of Light the Night season 2, we don't have a killer but we might have a potential second murder on hand.