Beware the Tabi swiper, says TikTok, as an infamous thief went viral on the platform for stealing the Tabi shoes of a woman he went on a date with. Not only did he steal the shoes of the lady he met on Tinder, but he also gifted them to his girlfriend. The woman's TikTok about the man went viral and caught the attention of the thief's girlfriend's friend, which resulted in the lady getting back her stolen goods.
The victim, Alexis Dougé's TikTok about the whole rollercoaster ordeal went viral across platforms, prompting hilarious reactions online. Some people wanted to know why she let a random man on the internet she's known only for a short while into her apartment, while others just made memes out of the tale and laughed at the high fashion thief's bizarre antics.
One X (formerly Twitter) user commented on @boymolish's re-post of the victim's TikTok:

Netizens left speechless by Tabi thief
Designer and influencer Alexis Dougé's nightmare became a reality when her Tinder date stole her Maison Margiela Tabi Mary-Janes, a gift from her father. On Friday, September 1, the influencer took to TikTok to post the guy's Tinder profile and narrate the story of the harrowing incident.
"Ladies of NYC be-f**king-ware, this man is out here on Tinder and Hinge and he will f**king steal from you," she said.
The video went viral on TikTok and was re-posted across platforms as users scrambled to help Lex get her shoes back. "Beware the tabi swiper," tweeted X user, @boymolish, whose re-post of the video amassed over 29 million views on the platform.
Netizens were left amused by the bizarre situation. Some people were curious why the woman would invite a "strange" man she barely knew into her apartment, while others simply made jokes about the weird ordeal. People even showed appreciation to the thief for his "heist."
The tweet even got the attention of some famous X handles like Spotify and streamer YourRAGE, who thought that Tabi stood for Tablet.
The tale of the missing Tabis
While walking around Soho, Alexis, who goes by Lex, met a "really cute" guy, and they locked eyes. Later that day, she gets a message on Tinder from the same guy who had incidentally matched with her. They started talking and went out for some drinks. Lex described the man as a nice person who she would probably just have a fling with.
They both met for a second date, talked about fashion, and later got intimate. The guy, who goes by the name Joshua, according to his Tinder profile, showed an interest in Tabis, which Lex mentioned that she owned.
The duo slept together again in the morning. While dressing up, Joshua wanted to show Lex a Spotify playlist. However, he did not have Spotify, so she let him use her phone, but he could not find the playlist. After that, the two parted ways.
A few hours later, Lex noticed that her Tabi boots, usually kept on top of her shoe rack, were not there anymore. After searching the whole house, she decided to message Joshua to find out if he knew where she kept them, but to her dismay, he had unmatched her on Tinder.
That's when it struck her that the man might have stolen her shoes. On opening up her call log for his number, Lex was stunned to see that the man had deleted her call logs, so she no longer had his number.
"Moral of the story is, don't f**k with this f**ker named Joshua on Tinder, he's a d**khead," she said in her TikTok video.
Lex requested her viewers to contact her if anybody knew anything about the man. The video went viral, amassing over 862,000 views on TikTok. The internet took up the job and gave her the Instagram account of the guy, which he later changed from public to private. She revealed what happened next in a follow-up video:
"He finally calls me two hours later after he privated his [Instagram] account and starts to gaslight me and tell me that he didn't steal them,"
What aroused Lex's suspicion was when the guy requested her to take the video down and offered to pay $1000 for her missing shoes, even though he claimed to have not taken them. The video caught the attention of a person who contacted Lex, claiming to be friends with the guy's girlfriend. The person revealed that he had gifted the shoes to her.
Joshua texted Lex to take that video down unless she had any proof. All Lex did was send him a screenshot of his girlfriend wearing the shoes he stole, and the man came clean. Lex revealed that she got her shoes back, and the guy smiled during the transaction, treating it like a joke.