Locke and Key's final season is here after a long wait to conclude the Lockes' adventures. As the Lockes do their best to keep Captain Gideon from getting his hands on the keys, what is written in their fates?
Season 3 of Locke and Key, which is the final season of the horror fantasy series, is now streaming on Netflix. The season follows the Locke family and the primary antagonist, Captain Gideon, as they play a cat and mouse game with the magic keys that are hidden in the Keyhouse. Will Gideon get his hands on the keys, which spell doom for the world, or will he be outwitted by the Lockes?
Gideon realizes that a key is missing
Episode 5 ended with the Lockes escaping the Keyhouse as Gideon opened the portal.
Meanwhile, Ellie and Rufus in Episode 6, titled Free Bird drive to the Keyhouse to look for Nina and the kids. The next moment, Tyler emerges, knocking on their car window, and the Lockes get in and they drive away. They tell Ellie that Captain Frederick Gideon is opening a portal to bring about the end of the world. But much to Gideon's dismay, one of the keys is missing, and he must collect it before he can carry out his plan.
In other news, Bode approaches Chamberlin to ask for help, but he redirects him to Sam Lesser, the student who killed Rendell. Bode lets go of his grudge and goes to Sam for help. Meanwhile, the Lockes have taken refuge in Ellie's house, but they are far from safe as James is out looking for them.
He goes to Josh's house, injures Josh, and kidnaps Jamie, who takes him to the Lockes. At gunpoint, James threatens Tyler and Kinsey and takes them hostage so that they can lead him to the final key, which they agreed to do if he let Jamie go. Jamie is reunited with Josh while Tyler and Kinsey are taken to Gideon. They claim that the missing key can only be accessed from the graveyard through the ghost door, and Gideon sends James to collect the key. He leaves behind his body and goes to the graveyard to get the key..
Ellie reveals the location of the final key in Locke and Key episode 6
Nina and Ellie work together to save Tyler and Kinsey. They attack Gideon and are aided by a swarm of sparrows which Bode controls. Kinsey takes the Ghost Key and opens the door so that Bode can come back in his own body.
But the tables soon turn and Gideon is once again in control. He threatens to kill Rufus, but Ellie agrees to reveal the location of the final key, which she knew. Gideon takes Ellie to find the final key, leaving the Lockes behind. Meanwhile, Sam also finds a body to manifest into, and he takes up James' body.
Watch this space for more recaps of Locke and Key's episodes.