Loki Episode 3 made the biggest revelation about the character we've known for more than a decade. Marvel pretty much confirmed that the ‘God of Mischief’ is bisexual in the latest episode of the top fragging Disney+ series.
After a spectacular end to Episode 2, fans were riled up for an explanation of what happened after the ‘sacred timeline’ was bombed by Sylvie. The latest episode also offers some explanation about Sylvie’s backstory too.
A teaser also confirmed the reveal for Loki’s gender fluidity on Twitter. The teaser showcased a TVA file that stated Loki’s sex as “fluid”. Furthermore, Tom Hiddleston also mentioned his opinions about Loki’s identity in a recent interview with Inverse.
Loki and Sylvie's sexuality in the Marvel Cinematic Universe revealed in Loki Episode 3
We theorized that Sylvie’s character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is an amalgamation of characters like Lady Loki, Sylvie Hushton, and Ikol Loki from the comics. In the comics, Ikol Loki was established as fluid in their gender identity.
Loki’s alleged bisexuality confirmation would make him the first LGBTQ+ member amongst the main characters in the MCU. The first LGBTQ+ character portrayed in MCU as a cameo character in ‘Avengers: Endgame’ was played by co-director Joe Russo himself. His character mentioned having a husband/partner in the group grief counseling session headed by Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers (Captain America).
Furthermore, other LGBTQ+ fan theories had been speculated by Marvel fans regarding Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers) and the Winter Soldier (Bucky Barnes). In the previous Disney+ MCU series, ‘The Falcon And The Winter Soldier,’ fans theorized that Bucky was bisexual. This theory originated when Bucky Barnes mentions that he has tried online dating.
Barnes further added:

“I mean, tiger photos? Half the time, I don’t even know what I’m looking at; it’s a lot.”
Men mostly use tiger photos on online dating platforms as their profile pictures. This hints at Bucky’s non-heterosexual identity.
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Episode 3.
Moreover, in episode 3 of Loki, the conversation between Sylvie and Loki in the episode confirms Loki’s gender identity.

Sylvie: Must’ve been would-be princesses or perhaps, another prince?
Loki: A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.
Loki’s sexuality has finally been officially revealed in the MCU. Here’s how fans are reacting to this.
Episode 3, titled “Lamentis,” focuses on the backstory of Sylvie and TVA employees and reveals the sexual identity of both the Loki variants. After the episode dropped, fans were riled up learning about Loki’s establishment as the first LGBTQ+ main character in MCU. The episode also highlighted a good chemistry between the two Loki variants.

It is expected that this revelation may surprise some and may even divide fans. In Norse mythology (which is the source Marvel Comics based the Asgardians on), the ‘God of Mischief’ is gender fluid. This has been established in several myths that the Asgardian god had changed their gender in several instances.
Loki Season 2 might also possibly shed more light on Loki's sexuality by bringing in a romantic partner. In light of Episode 3's monumental reveal, all eyes are now on Episode 4 as fans await the further adventures of Loki Laufeyson.