Loki season 2 has developed into a mind-bending adventure through the cosmos that immerses viewers in a universe of unfathomable possibilities and startling realities within the complex network of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. As this season introduces the enigmatic General Dox, a high-ranking official within the Time Variance Authority (TVA), it's clear that she's a force to be reckoned with.
With a squad of hunters at her command, General Dox sets her sights on Sylvie - the renegade who took down He Who Remains in season 1 - and unleashes a campaign that extends beyond mere apprehension.
Disclaimer: Major spoilers ahead.
General Dox outdoes Thanos’ snap in Loki season 2
General Dox, played by the talented Kate Dickie, has proven herself to be a more efficient Thanos in Loki season 2. Even without the help of an Infinity Gauntlet, she manages to snuff out trillions of lives to preserve the Sacred Timeline and stop the temporal loom from overloading.
In Breaking Brad, the second episode of season 2, it's revealed that General Dox isn't just limiting her plans for capturing Sylvie. To learn more, Loki and Mobius manage to track down Brad, a.k.a., Hunter X-5, living in a different timeline as a famous actor.
They force Brad to give up the location of Sylvie, who’s found working at a 1982 McDonald’s outlet. However, as Loki and Sylvie have their talk, it’s revealed that General Dox has a far grander scheme - to set up a hub of her loyalists capable of bombing and obliterating all new burgeoning branches of the multiverse, preserving the TVA's mandate of preserving the Sacred Timeline.
Although our group of heroes puts up a valiant effort to stop this plan, General Dox's actions lead to the destruction of countless timelines and the consequences are dire. She is arrested in the end, but countless lives are lost in the process, and the TVA descends into turmoil.
Kate Dickie in Loki season 2
Scottish actress Kate Dickie's portrayal of General Dox brings a steely and ruthless energy to the character, effectively showcasing the general's single-mindedness and unwavering commitment to the TVA's cause. It's a style she's seamlessly carried from her past iconic roles, such as Lysa Arryn in Game of Thrones and Katherine in The Witch.
In an interview with The Guardian, Dickie stated:
“I’ve had people tell me, ‘Oh, I saw a film you were in and I didn’t even realize it was you.’ That’s great because it means that you’re doing your job properly – although it’s maybe not so great for networking. But my whole thing with acting is that I’m here to tell these characters’ stories as best I can, even if they’re not at a great point in their lives. I think I’ve got one of those faces that changes with the characters I play.”
The road ahead for Loki season 2
With the second season in full swing, fans are left wondering about the fate of the multiverse and the future of the TVA. General Dox stands as a character who showcases that power comes in many forms, transcending even the most iconic figures in the Marvel universe.
Amid the chaos, betrayal, and unrelenting pursuits, Loki season 2 unfolds a new chapter in the MCU, challenging the very foundations of reality.
Watch new episodes of Loki season 2 on Disney+ weekly.