The Netflix show Love is Blind has gained immense popularity and has birthed multiple international spinoffs. This dating show is based on a social experiment for single contestants to find their future partner based on emotional connections. Each couple builds a bond during their time in the pods and only meets in person after they get engaged.
Love is Blind season 6 recently concluded and impressed viewers with its dramatic twists and turns, captivating plotlines, drama between cast members, and shocking revelations. After the season finale titled Meet Me at the Altar released on March 6, 2024, it was revealed that only one couple got their happily ever after. Fans had high hopes for Clay and AD but predicted Jimmy and Chelsea's fate.
Love is Blind contestant Jimmy Presnell decided to break up with Chelsea Blackwell a few days before their wedding. During their time in the pods, Jimmy and Chelsea were both entangled in love triangles with their fellow cast members Jess and Trevor, respectively.
Now that the season has concluded and the reunion episode is set to release on March 13, at 9 pm ET, Chelsea has decided to share her thoughts about Trevor Sova and recently spoke to E! News as she called him a "wonderful person."
"He's so amazing": Love is Blind star Chelsea Blackwell opens up about Trevor Sova
Chelsea had to make a difficult decision and choose between Jimmy and Trevor in the pods. Trevor was heartbroken and upset after he found out that Chelsea had not chosen him. However, in episode 12, when the couples met their former prospects from the pods, the duo reunited and had a conversation, revealing that none of them held grudges against each other.
After Love is Blind star Jimmy called off his engagement with Chelsea and the duo parted ways, fans were eager to know if Chelsea reached out to Trevor. In an interview with E! News published on March 12, 2024, Chelsea said that Trevor is a "wonderful person" and hinted that he is still part of her life.
"He's a wonderful, wonderful person. He's so amazing. I'm so blessed to have him in my life and, yeah, it's pretty great," she said.
When she was asked whether she got together with Trevor after Presnell called off the engagement, she replied:
"Definitely gonna find out. It's a journey, it's a journey."
Most Love is Blind viewers expected Chelsea to choose Trevor in the pods due to his charming and honest personality. However, this positive impression on the public did not last long as rumors soon surfaced online that Trevor was allegedly in a relationship with someone outside the show during filming.
Fans are now excited to receive an update about these allegations, as a promo of the reunion sees the hosts Nick Lachey and Vanessa Lachey confronting Trevor about the same.
Referring to Trevor pursuing a relationship with Chelsea while he allegedly already had a partner, Nick asked him:
"Unbeknownst to her, you have someone on the outside. I'd like to hear what you have to say."
Fans will soon get the answers to their questions when the Love is Blind season 6 reunion airs on March 13, 2024, at 9 pm EST / 6 pm PST exclusively on Netflix.