Love & Death is an upcoming limited series on HBO Max based on a true crime story that occurred in Texas during the 1980s. The series is created by David E. Kelley, known for popular shows such as Ally McBeal and Big Little Lies, and is directed by Lesli Linka Glatter, who has worked on shows like Homeland and Mad Men. With such a talented creative team behind the scenes, the show promises to be an engrossing and thought-provoking exploration of a notorious murder case.
Love & Death promises to be a gripping look into a notorious murder case. The show is based on a true story, and the creative team has worked closely with the real-life individuals involved in the case to ensure that the story is told accurately and respectfully. The murder case at the center of Love & Death is a shocking and tragic tale that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Love & Death: Stellar cast list and plot explained
1) Elizabeth Olsen as Candy Montgomery
The show stars an ensemble cast, with Elizabeth Olsen in the lead role as Candy Montgomery. Olsen, best known for her work in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, delivers a nuanced and powerful performance as a housewife and churchgoer who becomes embroiled in a shocking murder case. Candy’s character is complex, and Olsen does an excellent job of portraying her as both sympathetic and chillingly manipulative.
2) Jesse Plemons as Allan Gore
Jesse Plemons plays Allan Gore, a church deacon who becomes Candy's confidant and later her lover. Plemons, praised for his work in shows like Breaking Bad and Fargo, brings a quiet intensity to the role of Allan. He plays the character as someone who is haunted by his past, struggling to find a sense of purpose in his life.
3) Patrick Fugit plays Pat Montgomery
Patrick Fugit plays Pat Montgomery, Candy's husband. Fugit, known for his work in shows like Outcast and Almost Famous, delivers a convincing portrayal of a man who is blindsided by his wife's actions. Pat is a devoted husband and father, and Fugit brings a sense of empathy to the character that makes his plight all the more heartbreaking.
4) Lily Rabe plays Betty Gore
Lily Rabe plays Betty Gore, Allan's wife and the victim of the murder. Rabe, who has worked extensively in theater and television, delivers a powerful performance as Betty. She portrays the character as a kind and loving mother who is tragically caught in the middle of a love triangle.
On February 16, 2023, the Warner Bros. pressroom released an official credit statement:
“The limited series Love & Death is co-produced by Lionsgate, with executive producers including David E. Kelley, who is writing the series through David E. Kelley Productions, Nicole Kidman and Per Saari through Blossom Films, Lesli Linka Glatter, who directs the first four and final episodes, Scott Brown and Megan Creydt through Texas Monthly, Matthew Tinker, Michael Klick, and Helen Verno. The series is inspired by the book “Evidence of Love: A True Story of Passion and Death in the Suburbs” and a collection of articles from Texas Monthly (“Love & Death in Silicon Prairie,” Part I & II).”
Overall, Love and Death is an exciting new series that promises to be a must-watch for fans of true crime stories. With a talented cast and a creative team behind the scenes, the show is sure to be a standout addition to HBO Max's lineup. Don't miss watching this series on HBO Max on April 27, 2023.