Love, Death + Robots season 3 premiered on May 20, 2022 on Netflix, with the first episode landing a day earlier online. The episode, titled Three Robots: Exit Strategies, is a sequel to another episode from the first volume.
The original episode is based on a short-story of the same name by renowned sci-fi writer John Scalzi, who wrote the script for Exit Strategies. The episode, which delves into the journey of the three robots amidst human ruins, is replete with messages and humorous references. It also has a unique ending with a twist, and a reference to Elon Musk. Read on to learn more details.
Love, Death + Robots season 3: Three Robots: Exit Strategies Ending Explained
What is the Elon Musk reference?
The three robots, K-VRC, XBOT 4000 and 11-45-G journey across a survivalist camp as they come up with numerous theories that led to the complete destruction of human civilization. 11-45-G, which communicates via text, explains that humans engaged in fighting, killed endangered species and polluted oceans, which led to the destruction of the planet.
Apparently, the poor people suffered the most as they bled to death, while the rich tried to turn oil rigs into countries and politicians retreated to bunkers. At one point, XBOT 4000 wonders why humans spent so much money on traveling to a ''dead, lifeless'' planet like Mars when they could have used it to save the planet.
In one of the episode's most memorable bits, K-VRC takes a dig at tech millionaires, describing them as people ''with a hoodie and crippling social anxiety.'' In the end, they see a rocket taking off from the planet and wonder who it could have been. The final shot reveals it was a cat who asks, ''Who were you expecting? Elon Musk?'' taking a jab at the tech billionaire and his space projects.
Who colonized Mars?
It seems now that cats have colonized Mars. The cat shown in the final shot appeared in the first episode of the first volume and is now seen drinking iced milk on Mars. The robots on earth seem happy that at least one of the humans managed to escape the planet, but the cats seem to have outsmarted human beings as they managed to survive the destruction on earth and settled on the Red Planet. It appears that the human species has been completely destroyed.
Love, Death + Robots season 3 plot and other details
Volume 3 dropped on Netflix on May 20, 2022. The 9-episode season follows the tradition set by its predecessors as it features standalone stories with different cast, crew and animation. Apart from the sequel episode, another interesting fact about season 3 is that David Fincher, one of the executive producers, made his animation directorial debut with an episode titled Bad Travelling.
You can watch Love, Death + Robots season 3: Three Robots: Exit Strategies on Netflix.