ITV2 aired Love Island season 9 episode 2 on Tuesday, featuring a dramatic ending. The preview for the upcoming episode teased the arrival of two new bombshells — David Salako and Zara Deniz Lackenby-Brown.
Episode 2 welcomed the first bombshell of season 9, Tom Clare, who partnered up with Olivia, leaving her partner Will single. With two more bombshells set to enter the villa in episode 3, Will might get the opportunity to couple up with a new girl.
David and Zara will join the islanders on the third episode of Love Island season 9, which will air on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, at 9.00 pm GMT (4.00 pm ET) on ITV2.
Meet Love Island season 9 new bombshells
Since Tom’s arrival, Love Island season 9 features 11 cast members, including Tanya, Kai, Lana, Ron, Anna-May, Haris, Olivia, Shaq, Tanyel, and Will. Now, David and Zara will join the cast in episode 3.
David Salako is a money advisor
Hailing from Essex, 25-year-old David Salako works as a money advisor at a London-based company called Debt Free Advice. In his bio on the company’s website, he is described as “customer-orientated” and “extremely committed.”
David is set to appear in the upcoming episode of Love Island Season 9. He stated in ITV’s bio that he is “very picky” and thus has not yet found the right one. One factor in a girl that makes him cringe is:
“When girls sing-along all messy to songs like ‘Wonderwall’ in the bar.”
In addition to finding a partner, David will also be looking for friendships in the villa. In his bio, he said:
“Good vibes, energy, I’m very personable. I’m actually excited to meet new people, aside from a partner, friends as well.”
Going by his Instagram (@davidsxalako), David didn’t seem like a fan of social media, but one of his posts showed that he’s a football player.
Zara Deniz is a model and property developer
Along with David, Zara Deniz will also enter the villa in Love Island season 9 episode 3. She is a 25-year-old model and property developer from London.
With a bachelor’s degree in Musical Theatre and Performance Art from the University of Portsmouth, Zara is currently working as one of the directors of MADZ Properties in London. Her LinkedIn page also states that she is a singer, dancer, actress, and fashion model.
In her Love Island bio on ITV’s page, the Leo girl said:
“My love life is a bit shambolic, so it would be nice to date in a different environment as whatever I’m doing at the minute isn’t working.”
She continued:
“I’m a massive hype girl, I’m very complimentary so I hope to keep the vibes up in the villa. I’ll also bring spice, I’m a bit different and I don’t think there’s anyone in there that's like me so I reckon I’ll keep things interesting."
While looking for a life partner, Zara has a few things that make her "ick." She doesn’t want to be with someone boring or lacking ambition/aspiration. She would like a guy who is a fitness enthusiast and fits her list of “high standards.”
Meanwhile, the new bombshells will have until the end of the week to get to know everyone. At the end of week one, Zara and David will pick their respective partners from the 11 cast members. The contestant, who will not be picked by anyone, will be dumped from the villa in the first elimination of Love Island season 9.
Love Island season 9 airs new episodes daily on ITV2 at 9.00 pm GMT (4.00 pm ET). Only Saturdays will feature unseen clips.