USA Network's The Courtship, premiered on March 6, 2022 and has won viewers' hearts with the concept and the courting styles. The idea behind the show is entirely different from the usual reality TV shows on American television, and that's why it's etched onto viewers' minds.
The Courtship has the lead, Nicole Remy, looking for love in a Regency-era England-based environment inspired by the Jane Austen novel, Pride and Prejudice. Last week's episode gave the viewers what they had been longing for a while. Drama. Emotions ran high among the suitors and the lead as they tried to navigate their respective journeys on the show.
At this stage, some suitors are feeling entirely confident about their connection with Nicole, but there are some who are still nervous and have yet to open up. The lead has been going strong for the past six episodes - eliminating those who might not be the right fit for her or were on the show for the wrong reasons.
Fans react to a new suitor on The Courtship
The Masquerade ball saw all the guys take their opportunity to dance with Nicole. Some formed a deeper connection while others exchanged laughs. But what changed the mood of the party was the entrance of a brand new suitor, Mr. Miles Nazaire.
He instantly charmed the lead with his entrance and after providing a brief compliment, asked to dance. While the duo danced at the ball, they exchanged a kiss, which shocked the audience.
Read on to find out what the fans have to say about the new entrance:
What to expect from Episode 7 of The Courtship?
Nicole's journey to find love continued on this week's episode of The Courtship that aired on Wednesday, April 20, 2022, at 11.00 pm ET on USA Network. The episode brings new beginnings in the lives of the suitors, the lead and her family who are excited to read the Daily Tea at the castle, while a new appearance raises the tension amongst them.
The official synopsis of episode 7 reads:
"Suitors reveal their secrets at the masquerade ball; a high-society stranger arrives to romance Ms. Rémy, which ruffles the suitors' feathers and ignites a battle of the Brits."
The castle is abuzz with the news of the Daily Tea, which was read by Nicole's best friend Tessa Cleary. She announced that the suitors and the lead will have to get ready for a masquerade ball that shall take place later in the episode.
However, the suitors are not ready for what's in store for them at the event. The ball was graced with a suspicious presence from an unannounced visitor that would make Nicole exclaim. There is conjecture that the man will be a probable new suitor who will fight for the lead's heart, while making the others even more anxious than they probably are.
As suitors hear the news of the ball, they seem excited and await the event so that they get to spend more time with the lead and show off their charms to keep themselves safe from the farewell dance and a probable elimination soon after that.
Mr. Jesse Judge, who has been one of the frontrunners this season for The Courtship despite being a fairly new suitor, said:
"It can be very competitive. We all want that spotlight."
On last week's episode, emotions ran high among suitors as Mr. Chapman made the most of the limelight by building a deeper relationship with Nicole, leaving the others almost no time to bond with her. When they heard that one suitor spent the night with her, Mr. Danny Kim chose to eliminate himself from the show, followed by a heated argument with Mr. Chapman.
Who will be eliminated this week? Keep watching The Courtship to find out.