Love in the Wild season 2, which premiered on NBC on June 5, 2012, is a timeless favorite, sparking renewed interest over a decade later. Set against the picturesque landscapes of the Dominican Republic and Hawaii, this season can be streamed on Amazon Prime Video.
Renowned actress and model Jenny McCarthy hosted Love in the Wild season 2, replacing season 1 host, Darren McMullen. An exciting change in format was introduced in episode 1 — from competing couples to competing trios blew the fans away with double the adventure, love, and drama.
The overall concept of the game show apart from these remains relatively unchanged, however, season 2 featured 13 women and 14 men navigating challenges as a trio to test their compatibility and win the prize.
With a mightier cast of 27 as compared to the usual 20, the second season had double the fun, with double the stakes. The official synopsis of the show aptly encompasses the essence of season 2:
"Love in the Wild" returns for the show's second season with new host Jenny McCarthy, a new location in the tropical paradise of the Dominican Republic, and even wilder adventures chock-full of surprises and dramatic twists. More hearts will be broken and catfights will abound when the new crop of singles embark on their journey to find true love."
Introducing the Love in the Wild season 2 cast details
In Love in the Wild season 2, the stage had 14 single individuals, both guys and girls, ready to brave the challenges of the Dominican Republic. These contestants embarked on a journey that put their abilities and compatibility to the test as they navigated the wild landscapes.
Adding an unexpected twist to the series opener, seven additional guys were introduced, shaking up the dynamics with a total of 27. The contenders kicked off their jungle adventure in trios, a departure from the conventional format.
Together, they faced the challenges of rough waters and navigated through snake-infested wells, setting the tone for an adrenaline-fueled exploration of love in the untamed wilderness. These contestants — 13 women and 14 men who competed in season 2 were 11 years older than they were when they shot this season.
Delving into the current ages, hometowns, and Instagram profiles of Love in the Wild season 2 contestants:
1. Tim Parrish
Age: 43
Hometown: Green Bay, Wis
Most recent residence: Chicago
Instagram: @tim.parrish
2. Jason Holmes
Age: 40
Hometown: Paso Robles, Calif
Most recent residence: North Hollywood, Calif
Instagram: Unknown
3. Benjamin Clark
Age: 38
Hometown: Chesterfield, England
Most recent residence: Monroe, N.C.
Instagram: Unknown
4. Aaron Chase
Age: 39
Hometown: San Diego
Most recent residence: Newport Beach, Calif
Instagram: @AaronMChase — Private Account
5. Jesse Wilson
Age: 44
Hometown: Oakdale, Calif
Most recent residence: Manhattan Beach, Calif
Instagram: Unknown
6. Kenneth Barrington
Age: 44
Hometown: Peoria, Ill
Most recent residence: Miami Beach
Instagram: Deactivate, but Twitter - @kabarrington
7. Christian Seklecki
Age: 45
Hometown: August, Ga
Most recent residence: Atlanta
Instagram: Unknown
8. Mike Sweet
Age: 41
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Most recent residence: Los Angeles, California
Instagram: Unknown
9. Leonard "Leo" Borriello
Age: 38
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Most recent residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instagram: Unknown
10. Ryan Smith
Age: 38
Hometown: Boise, Idaho
Most recent residence: Boise, Idaho
Instagram: Unknown
11. Jason Ewell
Age: 36
Hometown: Dublin, California
Most recent residence: Dublin, California
Instagram: Unknown
12. Darwin Zook
Age: 43
Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts
Most recent residence: Boston, Massachusetts
Instagram and Twitter: @DarwinZook — Deactivated
13. Franky Arriola
Age: 42
Hometown: Miami, Florida
Most recent residence: Miami, Florida
Instagram: Unknown
14. Quaison "Q" Dodd
Age: 42
Hometown: Los Angeles, California
Most recent residence: Los Angeles, California
Instagram: @quaison_dodd
15. Ali Leitza
Age: 44
Hometown: Little Rock, Ark
Most recent residence: North Little Rock, Ark
Instagram: Unknown
16. Summer Mack
Age: 43
Hometown: Satellite Beach, Fla
Most recent residence: Indian Harbour Beach, Fla
Instagram: @summer_mack — Deactivated social media
17. Shaunda Dillard
Age: 39
Hometown: Kingsburg, Calif
Most recent residence: Hollywood
Instagram: @shaunadillard — Private Account
18. Yanina Beccaria
Age: 44
Hometown: Rosario, Argentina
Resides in: Chicago
Instagram: Unknown
19. Jenny Blatt
Age: 38
Hometown: Philadelphia
Most recent residence: New York
Instagram: Unknown
20. Cina Luks
Age: 33
Hometown: San Lorenzo, Calif
Most recent residence: San Lorenzo, Calif
Instagram: Previously @cinaluks — seems to have deactivated social media
21. Melissa Alatorre
Age: 34
Hometown: Los Angeles
Most recent residence: Los Angeles
Instagram: @alatorreee
22. Michelle Sacco
Age: 37
Hometown: Rome, Ga
Most recent residence: Rome, Ga
Instagram: Unknown
23. Jenna Gillund
Age: 34
Hometown: Dallas, Texas
Most recent residence: Dallas, Texas
Instagram: Unknown
24. Tara Locke
Age: 37
Hometown: Arlington Heights, Ill
Most recent residence: Miami Beach
Instagram: @taranicolelocke
25. Vanessa Ramirez
Age: 41
Hometown:Phoenix, Arizona
Most recent residence: Phoenix, Arizona
Instagram: @vanessa_host
26. Lindsay Furman
Age: 40
Hometown: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Most recent residence: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Instagram: Unknown
27. Natalie Korzon
Age: 35
Hometown: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Most recent residence: Ann Arbor, Michigan
Instagram: Unknown
Embark on a journey through time with Love in the Wild Sseason 2, originally aired on NBC on June 5, 2012, and now available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. Love in the Wild season 1 also gained massive popularity, and it has been relaunched on Netflix on November 1, 2023.