Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street, a brand new Netflix docu-series, explores and delves deep into the 2008 case of Bernie Madoff, the man behind the world's biggest Ponzi Scheme. The documentary series premieres exclusively on the popular streaming service Netflix this Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 3 am Eastern Time.
Consisting of a total of 4 parts, Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street, was directed by Oscar-nominated director Joe Berlinger. The official synopsis for the docu-series, dropped by Netflix, is as follows:
"With an innovative visual approach, Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street is a four part edge-of your seat financial thriller which reveals the truth behind Bernie Madoff’s infamous multibillion-dollar global Ponzi scheme and the ways in which a willfully blind financial system allowed it to flourish for decades."
Since the release of the series' official trailer by Netflix, viewers have been eagerly waiting to witness how the whole story unfolds. They have also been curious to find out what happened to Madoff's family members, which has been addressed below.
Learn all about the whereabouts of Bernie Madoff's family, as Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street debuts on Netflix
Who is Ruth Madoff and what happened to her?
Reportedly, Ruth Madoff is the wife of the Ponzi fraudster Bernie Madoff. She married Bernie when she was just 18 years of age. Together, they had two sons named Mark Maddoff and Andrew Madoff.
Ruth Madoff is currently 80. Reportedly, she did not have any knowledge of her husband's Ponzi Scheme for decades. Thus, she was never charged in association with Bernie Madoff's notoriously infamous scheme.
Although she maintained her distance from Bernie, she never divorced him. After Bernie received his sentence, she surrendered approximately $70 million to the authorities in remaining assets. In 2017, she reportedly started residing in Old Greenwich in a one-bedroom condo. She keeps away from the spotlight and no recent news of her health or life is available.
What happened to Bernie's sons, Mark and Andrew Madoff?
Mark Madoff was Bernie's eldest son and he was 46 years old when he passed away. He used to work at his father's firm at a trading desk, which was not directly associated with the Ponzi scheme. He had a wife and a son.
Mark Madoff ended his own life by committing suicide in his $6 million house on Mercer Street in SoHo in 2010, two years after his father's arrest.
Andrew Madoff was the youngest son of Bernie Madoff and he also used to work at the trading desk of Bernie's firm, along with his older brother Mark. Andrew was also the chairperson of the Lymphoma Research Foundation's board before Bernie Madoff's Ponzi Scheme was revealed. He had two children with two different women.
Reportedly, in 2014, 48-year old Andrew passed away at a New York City hospital due to cancer.
Who is Peter Madoff and what happened to him?
Peter Madoff is the younger brother of Bernie Madoff. He is the only family member of Bernie to be charged for being associated with his Ponzi Scheme. Just like his brother, she also made a fortune. He was the owner of a Palm Beach vacation house in Florida. He had a wife and a son.
After his brother's arrest, he entered a plea bargain for a deal of a 10-year imprisonment term. He was released in August 2020 from prison.
The cast list for Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street features Joseph Scotto as Bernie Madoff, Cris Colicchio as Peter Madoff, Donna Pastorello as Eleanor Squillari, Stephanie Beauchamp as Jodi Crupi, Kevin Delano as Andrew Madoff, Alex Olson as Mark Madoff, Isa Camyar as Frank DiPascali, Alicia Erlinger as Annette Bongiorno, Sarah Kuklis as Ellen Hales, and a few others.
Watch the docu-series Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street, which premieres on Netflix on Wednesday, January 4, 2023, at 3 am ET.