Hulu's latest romantic comedy, Maggie, debuted on July 6, 2022, with 13 episodes in its first season. The delightful show tackled a complicated, often magical premise with remarkable ease and finesse. The show revolved around Maggie (Rebecca Rittenhouse), a natural psychic who can look into the future. Due to her powers, she cannot forge a romantic connection with anyone as she can always see the relationship's ending.
This changes when she meets Ben (David Del Rio), with whom she sees herself in the long-term future. But when another vision creeps in that shows a different woman, Jessie (Chloe Bridges), it changes how the young psychic views the relationship, and she ends up breaking up with Ben. The entire season brought her back to Ben in the finale, revealing another vision that would change how she viewed the future until then.
Read on to find out more about the complicated ending of the latest Hulu series.
Maggie ending explained: What did the coin signify?
The episodes leading up to the finale showed how our protagonist lost her psychic powers. Angel (Ray Ford), who often acts as her mentor, explained that this could be a defense mechanism of her brain to stop her from seeing an event in the future that could possibly hurt her. This event was Jessie's discovery of Maggie and Ben's brief past relationship, which they kept a secret from Ben's girlfriend.
After that happens, and Jessie finds out about the two, Maggie sees another vision of Ben and Jessie in the future. She implored Ben to go ahead and get her back as she believed that the two of them were meant to be together.
Ben tosses a coin before going with his choice between the two women, leaving the entire thing to chance. In the final scene, which takes place at a wedding, our protagonist realizes that Ben and Jessie have been engaged. This removes the burden of guilt that she had, and her powers possibly come back in the last scene. But there, her visions indicated something different.
When Ben tossed her the coin that he possibly used to make a decision, she saw another vision, where she saw both herself and Jessie on the wedding altar with Ben interchangeably. Though this part was left open to interpretation, it indicated that the future is changeable. The concept she had about the future may have been wrong all this time.
It could also mean that there are still things in the future that she cannot decipher. Perhaps her powers aren't strong enough to make accurate predictions, and while trying to do so, she may have lost her chance to be with the love of her life. But it also opened up an avenue of possibilities for Maggie to be with Ben in the future as the vision indicated that the future is not set in stone. The coin represented the element of unpredictability.
The ending was perhaps a way to challenge the entire belief system that kept her from forming healthy bonds in fear of the future. Even if not with Ben, this factor of leaving it to a chance and myriad possibilities of alternate endings could mean that Maggie would be able to go into relationships in the future without worrying about what would happen next.
All the episodes of the comedy-drama are now streaming on Hulu.