TLC's Seeking Sister Wife returned for an all-new episode on Tuesday night, which was undoubtedly entertaining. This week, Marcus revealed that things seemed like things wouldn't work out and asked India and Tayrn for their approval to date more women. After seeing Tayrn and India give Marcus their blessing, they took to social media to slam Marcus.
Episode 13 of Seeking Sister Wife, titled No Kiss Friends, showcased Marcus, Tayrn, and India sitting by a bonfire when he broke the news. Talking about how he felt with Janae and Bina, Marcus said,
"Though I'm attracted to them. I like them both. In a lot of conversations, they're my go-to and some I'm their go-to. But I just don't have that feeling I'm feeling about either one of them. I'm not about to jump into nothing with Bina and Janae. That's how I feel about it."
Over the past few weeks, viewers have witnessed Marcus religiously try to get Bina or Janae to join his family. Sadly for him, things don't seem to be working out. Janae still seemed skeptical of entering into a polyamorous relationship. Meanwhile, Bina had reasons of her own.
Back again this week, Marcus decided it was time to move on. While Tayrn didn't need much convincing, the Seeking Sister Wife star had to convince India, who wasn't in favor of inculcating a new member.
During his confessional, Marcus shared that he shared a strong friendship with Janae and Bina. He added that even if things didn't turn out well for them, he'd at least have a good set of friends. Apart from that, Marcus told Tayrn and India,
"I also want you to know, I also want the freedom to continue to look. I want your blessing I guess."
Marcus then turned to India and told her that he and Tayrn needed her blessing so that they could continue to live freely. India responded,
"I mean you have my blessing to continue looking. We started this process to look."
During her confessional, Tayrn shared that she is confident that they will find the right woman to add to the family. She added that a third wife could only enhance what they already have.
Shortly after the conversation, Marcus turned to India and told her they had a wedding to plan. She was shocked. Although Marcus was engaged to India, they were never married. So now the Seeking Sister Wife star shared that the couple was going to get "hitched" and that she should start preparing for the ceremony.
India was shocked, yet it was a happy surprise for her since she had been waiting for this for a long time.
Fans slam Marcus for wanting two more wives in Seeking Sister Wife
Taking to Twitter, fans slammed Marcus for wanting to continue to date. Some also added that he was greedy to keep searching for more women. A few fans also added that they didn't like him because he couldn't take no for an answer.
Seeking Sister Wife airs every Tuesday at 10 pm ET only on TLC. Readers can check their local listings for more information.