Me Time is a much-anticipated and delightful brand new buddy comedy movie that arrived exclusively on Netflix on Friday, August 26, 2022. In the film, the highly beloved on-screen comedy duo of Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg is seen in the lead roles of Sonny and Huck, respectively.
John Hamburg is the writer and director of the movie. He has also produced the brand new Netflix comedy movie alongside Kevin Hart and Bryan Smiley. Jeff Cardoni is the film's music composer, while Kris Kachikis is the cinematographer.
Along with Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg, the movie also stars Regina Hall, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Jimmy O. Yang, Andrew Santino, Anna Maria Horsford, John Amos, and several others. Seal plays himself in the movie as a guest star.
The official Netflix synopis for Me Time reads:
"When a stay-at-home dad finds himself with some 'me time' for the first time in years while his wife and kids are away, he reconnects with his former best friend for a wild weekend that nearly upends his life."
Since the movie premiered on Netflix, it has been getting quite a positive response from viewers, and they are also quite eager to know whether there will be any sequel to this buddy comedy.
So, without further ado, let's dive in and find out whether there is potential for a sequel to the latest buddy comedy on Netflix.
Will there be a sequel to Netflix's Me Time?
Me Time is a buddy comedy woven with light, refreshing storylines and humorous elements. The movie has undoubtedly been elevated by the incredible direction of John Hamburg, the cinematography of Kris Kachikis, and performances by the lead actors.
But the audience is asking whether there will be a sequel to the movie. The movie has ended on a pretty happy and satisfactory note, with the two best buddies, Sonny and Huck, getting back together and opening their own party-planning business.
However, to do that, Sonny had to pay Stan Berman back his money and take Huck away from his service, which has the potential to make him a bit frustrated and even furious. After the movie ends, the audience does not get to see what happens with Stan and his equally fatal assistant, which leaves room for more storylines.
Also, with Sonny and Huck starting their new business, it is hard to imagine that they will not be as adventurous as their celebration of Huck's birthday party, which also shows the potential for further storylines.
Lastly, both Kevin Hart and Mark Wahlberg have been seen in several sequels to comedy movies, which makes the potential for a sequel even higher.
However, it is safe to say that the sequel will depend on the success of the movie itself for a large part. Without a shred of doubt, the movie is highly entertaining, sipping with light and cheerful humor, and is sequel-worthy. Hence, the film has the potential to have a sequel to it in the future.
Catch Me Time, currently streaming exclusively on Netflix.