Love Is Blind Sweden, the latest spin-off of the popular Love Is Blind franchise, premiered on Netflix on January 12, with subsequent episodes releasing on January 19 and January 26. Hosted by Jessica Almenäs, known for her work on shows like The Biggest Loser and Let's Dance, and her former title as Miss Sweden, the show introduces a fresh twist to the familiar format.
Set in Sweden, it features 32 singles who embark on a journey to find love based purely on emotional connections, without seeing each other. For fans eager to delve deeper into the personal journeys of these contestants, following them on Instagram is the key. This platform offers a window into their lives beyond the show, providing updates, personal insights, and a chance to connect.
Instagram handles of Love Is Blind Sweden season 1
Adde, holding the position of Vice President at a security company, steps into the world of blind dating. Adde, 34, is not on Instagram as of now.
Alexandra, a Secretary General and co-founder of Circular Monday and Climate Hero groups, navigates the path of love in the inaugural season. Alexandra, 33, can be found on Instagram at alexandra.davidsson.
34-year-old Amanda, an economist at H&M Group based in Stockholm, explores connections beyond the corporate world. Her Instagram username is @missjonegard.
Andrea, a 36-year-old gym studio owner, brings her strength and resilience to the quest for love at Love Is Blind Sweden. There's no Instagram account for Andrea at this time.
39-year-old Andreas, a professional firefighter, is ready to ignite the spark of romance in the show. Currently, Andreas doesn't have an Instagram account.
Catja, a 32-year-old HR specialist from Stockholm, steps into the dating arena with her unique professional insights. On Instagram, you can find Catja as @clovstrand.
34-year-old Christofer, self-employed in the portable toilet industry from Järvsö village, Hälsingland, joins the quest for love. Christofer's Instagram username is @christoferpocock.
Daniel, a 38-year-old entrepreneur, will also explore his life beyond entrepreneurship. Daniel hasn't set up an Instagram profile as of now.
Emilia, a 34-year-old telecommunications business manager, is open to the possibilities of love. You can find her on Instagram under @emiliaholmqvist.
30-year-old Huda, an assistant nurse, joins the show to find a connection that transcends physical appearances. Her Instagram handle is @hudaaitaly.
Isabelle, 27, an assistant nurse and personal assistant who also practices MMA and Muay Thai boxing, brings a fighting spirit to her search for love. Isabelle can be found on Instagram at @isabellesbergman.
34-year-old Jimmy, who is self-employed and accustomed to taking risks, enters the world of blind dating. Jimmy remains absent from Instagram for the time being.
Johan, 34, a salesman and a meat enthusiast, looks for love that aligns with his lifestyle. Jimmy's Instagram handle is @daensken.
32-year-old Johannes, a project manager, enters the show with a clear vision of what he seeks in a relationship. Johannes has yet to join Instagram.
Karolina, a payroll controller from Stockholm, known for her love of parties and fitness, steps into the dating scene. On Instagram, you can find the 32-year-old as @karolinaaless.
Kimia, a 34-year-old cosmetic nurse from Malmö, joins the show with a belief in the enduring power of love. She goes on Instagram as @cousarie.
30-year-old Krisse-Ly, an interior stylist and sales assistant, brings her flair for design to the quest for love. Her Instagram handle is @krissystimeline.
35-year-old Leila, a recruiter, is on a mission to find a partner who matches her lifetime goals. There's no Instagram account for Leila at this time.
Lucas, a 30-year-old operative manager in energy production, is ready to explore love outside his comfort zone. Lucas's Instagram handle is @luukovich.
29-year-old Markus, a training instruction consultant and fitness enthusiast, takes on the challenge of finding love in the pods. On Instagram, Markus goes by @mrgrahn.
Meira, a 30-year-old economist and Ukrainian pop singer, brings a blend of finance and art to her search for love. Her Instagram handle is @meiraomar.
Milan, a car salesman, steps into the show, ready to explore the depths of love beyond the showroom. The 28-year-old hasn't set up an Instagram profile as of now.
Mohamed, a 32-year-old personal trainer, joins the show to find a partner who shares his commitment to discipline and fitness. Mohamed remains absent from Instagram for the time being.
Mow, a 43-yea-old recruitment consultant originally from Colombo and now in Stockholm, seeks a match that complements his professional life. Viewers can follow Mow on Instagram at @mow_johansson.
Nea, a Chief Advisor with a passion for the sun and travel, looks for a partner to share her adventures with. The 36-year-old's Instagram handle is @neabonbon.
Nina, a destination manager and artist, brings her creative spirit to the quest for love. Nina, 31, remains on Instagram at @ninalaurine.
Oskar, a 32-year-old financial advisor with a background in swimming and piloting, dives into the dating pool. Check out his Instagram profile, @oskarnordstrand.
Rasmus, 32, a self-employed professional, enters the show with a desire to find an organized and emotionally connected partner. He goes by the username @rasmushedenstedt on Instagram.
Sami, a social secretary, is on the show to find a connection that goes beyond the screen. As of the moment, the 29-year-old is not active on Instagram.
36-year-old Sandra, a yoga teacher and artist, brings her adventurous and creative spirit to her search for love. Sandra is not available on Instagram right now.
38-year-old Sergio, balancing his life as a soccer coach and DJ, seeks a partner who can keep up with his dynamic lifestyle. On Instagram, you can find Sergio as @mrsergionrincon.
Victoria, a 36-year-old resource educator known as Miss Doolittle, joins the show with a heart full of kindness and a passion for photography. For Instagram, Victoria is known as @victorialastoria.
Love Is Blind Sweden season 1 presents a captivating array of personalities, each bringing their unique life experiences to the forefront of modern dating. Love is Blind not only entertains but also offers a deeper insight into the diverse backgrounds and stories of its participants, enriching the viewers' experience with a multifaceted view of love and relationships.