Big Brother Season 24 aired a dramatic episode on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 at 8.00 pm ET on CBS. The houseguests fought to win the Power of Veto (PoV) challenge to grab some power in one of the most crucial weeks of the reality show. With a few big threats already out of the game, the competition has been stronger than ever.
On this week's episode of Big Brother, Joseph volunteered to go up on the chopping block as a pawn so he could save his and Taylor's game. Taylor would also be able to keep her promise of not putting Alyssa up on the block and save Indy as well.
However, when Michael heard of the plan, he thought Joseph was aligning with the new alliance, Five Swatters, and planned to make a big move to backdoor Joseph. Fans didn't like that Michael and Brittany were going against their own target and slammed the former for plotting against Joseph.
One fan tweeted:
Fans react to Big Brother contestant Michael plotting against Joseph
Although Joseph was only trying to save himself, Taylor, and the Leftovers Alliance, Michael thought Joseph was trying to side with the new alliance, Five Swatters, and betray the Leftovers. He plotted with Brittany to make a big move and backdoor Joseph.
However, fans felt it wasn't Joseph but Michael who was going against the Leftovers. Here's what they had to say about Michael's game:
Taylor Hale's Head of Household (HoH) reign explored
Sunday night's episode of Big Brother Season 24 saw the 11 remaining houseguests compete in the classic Wall competition. While many put up a valiant effort to gain power, Taylor won the title and got crowned the new HoH after Michael. She had to nominate two houseguests for eviction.
A new alliance called Five Swatters was created, and its members wished to go against the current majority of the house. The members of the Five Swatters include Jasmine, Alyssa, and Indy, who joined forces with two members of the Leftovers Alliance, Kyle and Joseph.
However, Joseph revealed that he still owed his Big Brother loyalty to the Leftovers Alliance and admitted to his fellow members that he was now part of a new alliance. Former HoH Michael confessed to his close ally Brittany that Joseph and Kyle were playing both sides of the house and were now established threats.
Although Jasmine was nervous about her safety in the competition after Taylor was crowned the HoH, the latter revealed that she would never put a fellow black woman up on the block. She stuck to her original decision despite the Leftovers Alliance trying to convince her otherwise.
Meanwhile, Terrance had to convince the new Big Brother HoH to keep him safe. However, Taylor revealed that he was her official target as he had colluded with former contestant Daniel to target her. Although she had promised Indy that she wouldn't be put up for eviction, Taylor saw no other choice.
During the nominations ceremony, Taylor pretended that Monte was her real target but instead nominated Indy and Terrance for eviction.
Big Brother Season 24 brings more drama with every passing episode. With Taylor's reign just about to begin, there will be a lot of layers to explore in the upcoming episode. The winner of the Power of Veto (PoV) will decide whether to keep the nominations the same or use the power to save either Indy or Terrance from eviction. Readers can keep watching Big Brother on CBS.