Big Brother Season 24 aired a brand-new episode on Thursday, August 18, 2022 at 8 pm ET on CBS.
The two-hour special episode saw the houseguests witness a double-eviction twist that changed the course of the game and the dynamics between the existing connections and alliances. The contestants were in for a big surprise as they had to be separated into two groups and had to play as two different entities.
Ahead of the twist, Kyle had to use his Power of Veto (PoV) to either keep the nominations the same and keep Indy and Terrance up on the block or keep one of them safe and put Alyssa up as the replacement nominee. However, Kyle wasn't aware of his Leftovers Alliance plan to backdoor Alyssa.
Michael took this as an opportunity to play for both sides. He first sided with his Leftover Alliance and agreed that it was time to send Alyssa home. He then went and conveyed the plan to Kyle, who is currently in a showmance with Alyssa.
This, obviously, angered Big Brother fans who slammed the contestant for betraying his alliance and even playing safe. One of them tweeted and said, "Michael you are not smart," a sentiment that was echoed by several others.
Fans react to Big Brother contestant Michael playing both ends
This week, Michael revealed to Kyle that the Leftovers Alliance were planning to convince the latter to put Alyssa up on the block. He then sided with the leftovers when they said that Alyssa should be the one put up as a replacement nominee.
Fans slammed Michael for playing safe by siding with both Kyle and the Leftovers. They took to social media to express their feelings. While some said that Michael was using "racist ideals" to stay safe, others just called him "evil" and a "rat."
Big Brother contestant Kyle calls out a war but is it a race war?
On this week's episode of Big Brother, Kyle had to decide to either put his showmance partner Alyssa up as a replacement nominee or keep the nominations the same. He decided to go with his gut and do the latter, which meant that either Indy or Terrance would go home after a voting session by the houseguests.
However, what Kyle also confessed to Michael and Brittany was that there was a separate alliance working amongst the Leftovers.
He thought that Monte, Joseph and Taylor were working together and that him, Michael, Brittany and Turner were the bottom four of the alliance. The contestant even proceeded to state that the Top 3 of the Leftovers "were loud," and it was time for the bottom four to plan a stronger alliance.
Michael and Brittany sat down for a discussion after their conversation with Kyle. They realized that Kyle was assuming the concept and felt like the alliance was similar to the Cookout Alliance that was formed in Big Brother Season 23. Brittany even went on to explain to Kyle not to assume the same and that the alliance was different than what they had this time.
Although Kyle used his Power of Veto, he struggled to balance the game and the personal side of things. When he conveyed the same to Alyssa, she couldn't really understand what his real emotions were. While Kyle was convinced that it wasn't good for their game to always be together, Alyssa wanted to make their relationship official.
With the big twist coming up on Big Brother, it will be interesting to see how the houseguests fare with respect to competition and on alliances. While Indy and Terrance were undertaking their separate punishments throughout the episode, viewers will have to keep watching to see who gets evicted from the house this week.
Keep watching Big Brother on CBS to find out what happens in the next big twist.