Mnet, the broadcast network behind reality show Street Woman Fighter, recently confirmed that the show is nearing its end. According to producers, the show's final episode will air in October and the reality TV event will come to an end after a nine-episode run.
Producers of the dance survival show stated,
"Street Woman Fighter will end on October 26, with its ninth episode as its series finale."
What will be the format of Street Woman Fighter's finale?
The finale of the show's format is yet to be decided by the producers due to the rise in Covid-19 cases within the country. The program organizers have promised that they will keep an eye on any changes that occur and decide on the most suitable format for the finale.
At this time, they will take any changes necessary into consideration for the safety of the artists who were taking part in the show.
The show, judged by AOA and NCT's Taeyong, is hosted by Kang Daniel. It sees an all-female participation crew compete to win the victory title through their dancing skills. The show initially aired with low viewership, however, its popularity has increased since the premiere episode.
Street Woman Fighter airs on Tuesday at 10:20 pm KST and the latest episode invited a viewership of 2.6 percent nationwide. The show has become a viral phenomenon within Korea and the stars' popularity has skyrocketed already.
Over the four episodes of the reality show that have aired so far, the show has courted multiple controversies. The most recent controversy came when contestant Rozaline reportedly did not return items that were sponsored. A blog post was created with the title 'Street Woman Fighter's Rosaline who did not return sponsored items and stopped responding to the company'.
The company wrote in its blog about the Street Woman Fighter contestant and said, (translated from Korean)
"We couldn't get in contact with you so we're writing a comment. You have not contacted us and the due date has passed a long time ago, we're asking you to return the items. If the items are broken or the tags are removed, we ask that you pay for the items."
The company also added,
"We ask you to take care of this by the end of this week. We are also letting you know once again that we will be able to file a legal complaint against you on this matter since we have stated this prior. Please contact us as soon as possible."
While the show may be coming to an end, its controversies will keep its name across headlines for a while.