Deadpool first, and now Mortal Kombat? For Ryan Reynolds, anything is possible.
It looks like Michael "The Miz" Mizanin has formidable competition in the form of Ryan Reynolds. The "Deadpool" star seems to have subtly thrown his hat into the ring for the role of Johnny Cage in the upcoming "Mortal Kombat" sequel.
The 44-year old recently took to Twitter to share a hilarious tweet, replete with his sardonic and tongue-in-cheek humor.
With a clever bit of editing, Reynolds photoshopped his face onto the body of Johnny Cage with the iconic blue jacket and shades in tow.
Meet a little girl with a big heart RIGHT HERE
In his jocular tweet, he compared a victory in "Mortal Kombat" to the success of Mint Mobile, the cellular service provider which he partially owns.
His creativity didn't just stop there. In his Johnny Cage avatar, he appeared to gloat in the aftermath of securing a flawless victory over "Big Wireless." This was cheeky dig at the company's rivalry with Mint Mobile.
His creative GIF soon went viral on Twitter. Excited fans started weighing in on the possibility of Ryan Reynolds playing the role of the suave and charismatic Johnny Cage.
Ryan Reynolds vs The Miz: Lewis Tan and Ludi Lin respond to Reynolds' Mortal Kombat tweet as the casting race for Johnny Cage heats up
With "Mortal Kombat" breaking records on HBO Max and leaving fans impressed with its brutal kills and stunning action sequences, a sequel certainly seems to be on the cards.
In terms of commercial as well as critical success, the signs are certainly encouraging for Director Simon McQuoid and the "Mortal Kombat" team.
While the likes of Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Jax and more were included in the film, a conspicuous absence was that of the Hollywood A-lister Johnny Cage.
Taking over from Linden Ashby's iconic performance as Johnny Cage in the 1995 adaptation of "Mortal Kombat" was Josh Lawson's Kano this time around.
However, the casting of a new protagonist in Cole Young, who was not central to the series' lore, was not enough. There was still a giant-sized hole left by the absence of Johnny Cage, which subsequently led to a polarizing reception among fans.
Nevertheless, Johnny Cage fans have a lot to look forward to in the film's sequel. The film ends with Cole leaving for Los Angeles in search of the elusive Hollywood star.
This leaves the door wide open for a wide range of possibilities regarding who will end up being cast as Johnny Cage in the "Mortal Kombat" sequel.
While The Miz has been extremely vocal about his interest, Ryan Reynolds' recent tease has further piqued the interest of the online community.
It could, of course, end up being a giant troll on the actor's part. Reynolds is known for trolling his fanbase every now and then.
What also led to palpable excitement among fans was a response from Lewis Tan, the actor who plays Cole Young in the film.
In a hilarious reply, he referenced his role as Shatterstar in "Deadpool 2." For those out of the loop, Shatterstar suffered a brutal death after jumping out of a plane during the rip-roaring X-Force sequence.
Lewis Tan was not the only "Mortal Kombat" actor to respond to Ryan Reynold's tweet. Ludi Lin, who plays fan-favourite Liu Kang, replied with a classic reference to Johnny Cage's move set in the game.
Several fans responded to the possibility of Ryan Reynolds as Johnny Cage.
Here are some of the reactions on Twitter:
Ryan Reynolds definitely possess the characteristic swagger and undeniable charm required to play Johnny Cage.
However, he wto be going up against a formidable opponent in The Miz, which could make for an exciting clash.