The highly anticipated upcoming Korean superhero drama Moving is all set to arrive on Hulu on August 9, 2023. The series follows the story of a group of people who have been gifted with superpowers after being exposed to a mysterious substance. These people must use their powers to protect their city from a group of villains who are also trying to harness the power of substance.
The official synopsis of the series, as per Rotten Tomatoes, reads:
"A group of innocent teenagers with extraordinary abilities go head-to-head with some of the world's most powerful governments."
Moving is a fast-paced, action-packed series that is sure to appeal to fans of the superhero genre. The series features a diverse set of cast and characters, representing a wide range of backgrounds and experiences that is sure to resonate with viewers from all walks of life.
The upcoming show is directed by Kim Jin-won, who is known for his work on the critically acclaimed Korean dramas Doctors and The King: Eternal Monarch.
Moving promises to be a thrilling adventure for viewers
The trailer for Moving is a visual feast as it does a great job of capturing the excitement and suspense of the series.
The trailer introduces the three main characters, Bong-seok, Hui-soo, and Min-kyu, giving the viewers a glimpse of their powers. The characters are ordinary people who are going about their daily lives, however, they are suddenly struck by a mysterious force that gives them superpowers. At first, they are confused and scared, but they soon learn to use their powers to help others. The trailer also introduces the villains, Frank and Mr. Baek, and shows us the destruction they're capable of.
The trailer ends with a shot of the three main characters standing together, determined to use their powers to make the world a better place.
The official synopsis of the series, as per Hulu, reads:
"Bongseok, a boy who could float before he could walk, and Huisoo, a girl who survived a horrific car crash unscathed, end up at the same school. They quickly become close after confiding in each other, and soon discover there are more people like them out in the world — people with extraordinary abilities."
It further reads:
"But while life seems relatively carefree for the teenagers, a mysterious delivery driver named Frank begins murdering people with powers across Seoul."
Fans of action, adventure, and superhero stories will be thrilled by the fast-paced plot and stunning visuals of Moving. The special effects are sure to excite and amaze, and the diverse set of cast and characters will keep viewers engaged. The story explores the themes of hope, power, and redemption and is sure to entertain and inspire viewers of all ages.
More about Moving's cast and characters
As mentioned above, the cast of Moving is a diverse and talented group of actors who bring the characters to life. Lee Jung-ha plays Bong-seo, a kind and gentle soul who is also fiercely protective of his friends and family. Han Hyo-joo plays Hui-soo, a strong and independent young woman who is struggling with the trauma of her past. Joo-hyun plays Min-kyu, a brilliant and talented young man who is also arrogant and self-centered.
The series features numerous other actors and actresses essaying pivotal roles, including Ryoo Seung-bum as Frank, Cha Tae-hyun as Mr Baek, Kim Do-hoon as Lee Kang-Hoon, and Go Youn-jung as Jang Hee-soo, among others.
The seven-episode series Moving premieres on Hulu on August 9, 2023.