Murder in Big Horn will premiere on Showtime at 10 pm ET on Sunday, February 5, 2023. The new docuseries' story will surround the disappearance of indigenous women in Big Horn County, Montana.
Directed by Razelle Benally and Matthew Galkin, Murder in Big Horn will feature a number of interviews and insights from indigenous citizens of Montana and higher officials.
The official synopsis of the show, according to its trailer on YouTube, reads:
"Murder in Big Horn crafts a powerful portrait of tribal members and their communities within Big Horn County, Montana battling an epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) that has been prevalent since colonization."
It continues:
"Directed by Razelle Benally and Matthew Galkin, the three-part docuseries examines the circumstances surrounding many of these cases, told solely through the perspectives of those involved: Native families, Native journalists, and local law enforcement officers."
Murder in Big Horn: Trailer and plot
Over the years, Showtime has managed to churn out some mind-boggling documentaries like You're Watching Video Music Box, The Fourth Estate, Amy, Shangri-La, Gossip, and more. Now, fans can't wait for the release of the all-new title, Murder in Big Horn.
The docuseries will shed light on a time when Big Horn County, Montana, was known as the 'most dangerous place in the country' for Native American women. It will focus on those who came together to fight for justice and bring attention to the matter.
Showtime describes the show:
"When three bodies are discovered in Big Horn County, Montana, an area known as 'the most dangerous place in the country' for Native American women, local authorities first ignore each death before ruling them accidental – leaving the victims’ loved ones to deal both with their loss and the indifference of local law enforcement. "
It continues:
"As sorrow turns to outrage, however, a vibrant and fearless movement is formed to search for the truth and bring attention to the epidemic of missing or murdered cases among Native peoples in the US.".
Murder in Big Horn director Razelle Benally says she always feared getting murdered
Razelle Benally (director-producer), Matthew Galkin (director-EP), Luella Brien (Journalist, Four Points Press), Lucy Simpson (executive director, National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center) were panelists at the Deadline Studio at the Sundance Film Festival.
Razelle Benally, who is a Native American herself, described her experiences working on Murder in Big Horn.
She said:
"When I was first brought on the project, I initially was hesitant because so oftentimes, there’s this issue within media itself of extractive storytelling. So, [I agreed to take part] after talking with Matthew and really hearing him explain that this was going to be a collaboration."
She continued to speak about the constant fear of getting murdered on a day-to-day basis as she continued:
"Because I myself had always felt so strongly about this issue, being a Native girl growing into a Native woman, this fear of being stolen, disappearing or being murdered has always been my reality. And I have always included an element of social justice in my work. So, to be part of directing this documentary series was just an extension of something I was already doing as a director and filmmaker."
Lucy Simpson also spoke about the title and said:
"I think it’s about building relationships, which is part of why the families that are in this docuseries were able and willing to tell their story. For us as Native people in our communities, that’s what we are. We’re relatives. We treat each other as relatives; we’re families."
She added:
"Building relationships is foundational, so when you have people coming in for 18 months, dedicating their lives to telling this story, that’s not just telling a story. That’s building a relationship with this community, and we don’t see that very often in Indian Country."
Murder in Big Horn will premiere on Showtime at 10 pm ET on Sunday, February 5, 2023.