Marla McCants’ transformation journey gained widespread recognition in an hourlong episode of My 600-lb Life on TLC. Season 3 of the reality show, which premiered in 2016, showcased Marla taking the initial steps to reclaim her life.
Hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, the mother of three weighed around 800 pounds at the time. She couldn’t stand up and required assistance to complete the simplest of tasks. Stuck in her bed, leading an immobile life, Marla appeared on the show to lose weight through diet and gastric bypass surgery with the help of Dr. Younan Nowzaradan.
Marla McCants’ Journey on My 600-lb Life
In her journey documented in season 3, Marla noted that her big goal was to just "get up and walk" to become self-sufficient without relying on her daughter for support. The 600-lb Life star suggested undergoing surgery would help her “tremendously.”
Marla, at the time, said it was hard for her to stick to the diet as she would get persistent food cravings. However, she relied on healthy substitutes and greens to strive hard and achieve her goal. Marla said in a confessional:
"All I can say is that I’m human. You don’t have to starve yourself just have to make better choices."
The woman seemed optimistic before getting the surgery, noting:
"A couple of months ago, I would have said it was frustrating sitting in this bed watching people come and go, but now I use it as fuel because soon I’ll be out there. I’m going to the doctor soon, and I’m hoping he’ll give me a go-ahead to get skin surgery."
By the end of the My 600-lb Life episode, it was shown that Marla’s reached a weight of 534 pounds.
What happened to Marla McCants after My 600-lb Life?
Marla McCants underwent a total body transformation, losing a whopping 560 pounds in two years following her appearance on the reality TV show, as reported by Screen Rant. Marla spoke at length about her life-changing experience in an interview with Sister Circle in December 2019. She emphasized her compulsive eating by calling food "an addiction," and also revealed the real reason why she began putting on weight:
"The root of the problem for me was I was molested by my father, and then I was kidnapped by my high school sweetheart. I stayed indoors I didn’t want to endanger anyone. I didn’t want to endanger my children. I just stayed in, and food was my comfort."
After shedding tons of pounds, Marla noted she never wants to spiral down:
"I never wanna go back to that place. The way I was treated, you never wanna go back there. It’s lonely."
For the naysayers who criticized people like her, Marla branded them "ignorant." On the other hand, she also had a simple message for those battling obesity. Marla said:
"You can overcome your fears and struggles. I did it, so you can do it too. I believe god has put me here to share my story that’s not for me it’s for everybody else that’s out there struggling."
A motivational speaker, Marla also spoke about joining the organization LOSS (Lending Our Shared Stories), a support group for individuals dealing with any kind of loss and grief. The My 600-lb Life star reassured:
"You just keep your faith. I never knew how I was going to get out of that place, I just knew I was. Keep your faith. Don’t give up."
My 600-Lb Life is set to return with season 12 on Wednesday, March 6 on TLC at 8 pm ET/PT.