Over the sudden passing of actress Kim Mi Soo, her co-stars, actor Jung Hae In and BLACKPINK's Jisoo, paid homage to her through social media. The young actress suddenly passed away at the early age of 31 on January 5, 2022. Though the reason for her sudden demise is yet to be revealed, it truly did take people by surprise. The young actress passed away while still working on her latest project, Snowdrop.
On January 7, 2021, her two co-stars and lead of the show Snowdrop, took to Instagram to remember their fellow co-star. BLACKPINK Jisoo's post compiled the good times she spent with Kim Mi Soo.
Playing the role of her dormmate on the show, the BLACKPINK star added a sentimental touch to her caption that translates,
"My beloved, Room 207."
Jung Hae In also took to Instagram to express his heartfelt condolences to the late actress. He posted a picture of when the cast celebrated the late actress's birthday on set.
Fans and netizens continue to express their love for the late actress.
Netizens showcase how BLACKPINK's Jisoo, Jung Hae In and others paid tribute to Kim Mi Soo
The sudden passing of the young actress shocked many fans across the globe. To this day, some netizens still express their grief and well-wishes to the deceased in their own way. Two netizens indulged in art, re-creating some precious moments of the actress.
One netizen shared a compilation of the various people who took to social media to pay their respects to the late actress.
But Snowdrop must go on!
Embroiled by controversies along the way, the popular drama Snowdrop is very much under the public eye.
Set in 1987, when South Korea is under a dictatorial reign, the show narrates the romantic relationship between graduate student Lim Soo-Ho (Jung Hae-In) and first-year student Eun Yeong-Ro (Kim Ji-Soo).
Now with the passing of fellow actor Kim Mi Soo, many fans and netizens look forward to seeing Snowdrop as it is her last acting project.