GAC Family's upcoming romantic drama, My Boss' Wedding, will premiere on the network on Saturday, October 15, 2022. The film had earlier premiered in Canada on March 28, 2021. The movie focuses on a young woman who sets out to plan her boss' wedding. Here's the official synopsis of the movie, according to Great American Family:
''Sparks fly when a personal assistant plans her boss’s wedding with the groom’s handsome nephew.''
The movie stars Holly Deveaux and Drew Seeley in the lead roles, along with many other actors who are part of the supporting cast.
GAC Family's My Boss' Wedding cast list: Holly Deveaux and others promise to deliver heart-warming performances
1) Holly Deveaux as Nicole Waters
Actress Holly Deveaux stars in the lead role as Nicole Waters in My Boss' Wedding. Deveaux dominates the trailer with her raw charm and elegance as she slips into her character effortlessly. Viewers can expect a memorable performance from the actress. Apart from My Boss' Wedding, she's best known for her roles in Victoria Day, Mutant World, and Hemlock Grove, to name a few.
2) Drew Seeley as Michael
In the film, Drew Seeley stars as Michael, Nicole's boss' nephew. Seeley looks in terrific form in the film's trailer, and his chemistry with Deveaux elevates the film to a different level. His character seems to be a lively, dog-loving, and romantic guy that viewers will surely like.
Seeley's other TV and film acting credits include Chalk It Up, I Kissed a Vampire, and The Shortcut. Besides being an actor, Seeley is also a noted musician who's established his career in music with albums like ~DS~, The Resolution, and Downtime.
3) Brigitte Kingsley as Kimberly Price
Actress Brigitte Kingsley portrays the role of Kimberly Price in My Boss' Wedding. Kingsley looks impressive in the trailer alongside Deveaux and Seeley, and based on her screen time in the trailer, she has a pivotal role to play in the movie. Kingsley has appeared in several shows and films, including Sappy Holiday, Home for Harvest, Making a Deal with the Devil, and many more.
Starring alongside Brigitte Kingsley, Holly Deveaux, and Drew Seeley in important supporting roles are:
- Landy Cannon as Bradley
- Rebecca Lamarche as Rebecca
- Alys Crocker as Janette
- Winny Clarke as Maggie
My Boss' Wedding is helmed by noted director Andrew Cymek and is based on Patrick McBrearty. Cymek is best known for his work on Night Cries, The Baby Stealer, and Country Crush.
The trailer for the film offers a peek into the lead character, Nicole's mind, and heart. She faces the daunting task of managing her boss' wedding, but her life changes when she meets her boss' charming nephew, Michael, who assists her with the wedding planning.
Overall, the trailer has a charming and lighthearted tone that fans of romcoms will certainly love. Viewers can look forward to a funny and uplifting film that explores themes of marriage, companionship, and love.
Don't forget to catch My Boss' Wedding on Great American Family on Saturday, October 15, 2022.