The K-drama series, My Man is Cupid, starring Jang Dong-yoon, Nana, and Park Ki-wong, is much-awaited by lovers of the genre, romance-fantasy. The series that's slated for release on December 1, revolves around the blossoming love between a fallen fairy and a young woman working at an animal. While the woman has had several love interests, every relationship she's entered always leads to her partner's near-death experience.
Given the bad omen that surrounds her dating life, the young woman has taken a pause in the same. However, with the entrance of the fallen fairy, her spirits are lifted again. As fans come across the intriguing plot synopsis and impressive cast members, they can't help but excitedly look forward to the same.
Everything you need to know about the upcoming romance-fantasy K-drama series, My Man is Cupid
While the show was initially scheduled to be released in 2022, certain delays in the filming and production have led to the postponed premiere of My Man is Cupid. Now the show is set to release on December 1 on Prime Video.
The show's sixteen episodes will be released twice a week on every consecutive Friday and Saturday.
My Man is Cupid takes a contemporary take on the ongoing narrative of the forbidden love between a Cupid and a woman. The fairy, Cheon Sang-Hyeok, played by Jang Dong-Yoon, has the power to make any woman fall in love with them by simply shooting his arrow at them.
However, five hundred years ago, Cheon Sang-Hyeok had his wings burnt, and in order to restore them, he underwent metamorphoses twenty-seven times.
During his twenty-eighth metamorphosis, he gets hit by his own arrow and falls in love with Oh Baek-ryun, played by Nana. Baek-ryun, who's a veterinarian working at an animal clinic is known for her exceptional beauty.
However, she is conflicted by a supposed curse that rules her dating life. Every man she dates ends up experiencing a near-death incident, that makes them stray away from her. Though she puts a pause on her dating life, she's eager to date men.
When the two people cross paths with each other, Baek-ryun is insistent on using the fairy to get herself a man. However, the events lead up to them both inevitably falling for each other and the series showcases how their complex relationship further develops.
Back in January 2022, when the production crew initially announced the exciting cast of Nana and Jang Dong-yoon, they also commented that the show is a hopeful and intriguing romance-fantasy drama that everyone should look forward to.
As reported by Allkpop, the production crew had stated:
"My Man is Cupid' is a fantasy romance that will act as an oasis for viewers. Please give a lot of attention to 'My Man is Cupid', a destiny romance drama that will likely stir up your hearts amidst the dull life today in 2022."
With the trailers, teasers, and posters, fans have been eagerly looking forward to the promisingly swoon-worthy, light-hearted, and humorous K-drama series, My Man is Cupid.