Lifetime's new movie, Nanny Dearest, is set to air on the channel on Friday, March 17, 2023. The film tells the story of a couple who receives fertile eggs from a donor. However, many years later, their lives take a shocking turn following the entry of a mysterious woman. Here's the official synopsis of the film, according to Lifetime:
''After receiving fertile eggs from a donor, Rebecca and Caleb are finally able to have a child and start a family. Several years later, a strange woman appears in their life, and is oddly drawn to their daughter. The egg donor has returned–and she wants what is “rightfully” hers.''
The movie stars Kayleigh Anne Ruller in one of the key roles, along with several others playing important supporting roles. Details about the director/writer are not known at this point.
Lifetime's Nanny Dearest cast list: Kayleigh Anne Ruller, and others to feature in new thriller film
1) Kayleigh Anne Ruller
Kayleigh Anne Ruller stars in the titular role of the Nanny in Lifetime's Nanny Dearest. Based on the synopsis, it seems like Ruller will play a grey character in the film, and it'll be fascinating to watch how the film explores her character.
Apart from Nanny Dearest, Kayleigh Anne Ruller has starred in quite a few shorts films, movies, and shows like Love Letters, Good to See You, and No. One., to name a few.
2) Liz Fenning
Liz Fenning is also part of the cast of the new Lifetime thriller film. Apart from that, not many other details about her character are revealed at this point, but fans can expect her to play a significant role in the movie. Liz Fenning's other notable film and TV acting credits include My Terrorized Teen, Killer Grades, From the Depths, and many more.
3) CJ Hammond
CJ Hammond stars in Lifetime's Nanny Dearest. Details pertaining to his character are currently being kept under tight wraps, but based on multiple reports, he seems to be playing a pivotal role in the story.
Hammond has previously appeared in Spinning Out of Control, Swim Instructor Nightmare, and Revenge for Daddy. Apart from the aforementioned actors, details about the supporting cast are not yet revealed.
An official trailer for the film has not yet been released by the network, but based on the synopsis, viewers can expect a powerful character-driven movie that explores a number of complex themes pertaining to the darkest facets of the human psyche. Viewers who enjoyed movies like My Landlord Wants Me Dead, A Date With Deception, and You Can't Escape Me should certainly check this one out.
A quick look at other recent Lifetime thriller movies
A number of gripping thrillers were released on Lifetime in March. These include true crime thrillers like Black Girl Missing, Death Saved My Life, Caught in His Web, and He's Not Worth Dying for. These movies are part of a series called Ripped From the Headlines, which focuses on true crime stories.
Don't forget to watch the new Lifetime movie, Nanny Dearest, on the channel on Friday, March 17, 2023.