Following a slew of other shows that have expanded an already established universe, National Treasure: Edge of History has arrived on Disney+, resurrecting the popular franchise that once ruled American theaters in a politically charged flurry of emotions about the great past. This new show has largely tried to ride that wave of nostalgia without trying too hard to politicize its content.
Coming from Cormac and Marianne Wibberley, National Treasure: Edge of History is much breezier than its film compatriots and continues the story without thinking much about the repercussions of using a plot that was already heavily laid with secrets. It is not without its flaws, but the first episode seems to have a bare minimum of these at a glance. The first episode also carries a heavy tone of Young-Adult novels. The tone may be persistent for the rest of the show.
National Treasure: Edge of History review- One foot in the past, on the way to make something new
The biggest redeeming factor for National Treasure: Edge of History remains the fact that it is part of such a huge franchise that has managed to captivate fans in the past. The thematic and plot elements, at least as of the first episode, are highly inspired by the same. This may be another attempt by Disney at capturing the nostalgia but no complaints about this.
The only thing that visibly lacks from the 50-minute-long episode is the fun factor that made the original films great despite the deficiencies in the plot. The first episode doesn't take long to introduce protagonist Jess Valenzuela (Lisette Alexis), the new blood in the puzzle game in quite a YA-novel fashion.
The theme is recurring all over the premiere of National Treasure: Edge of History. So many scenarios, characters, and the initial drive feel straight out of a YA novel. While this is not a bad thing by any means, it takes away from the original storyline, and if any viewer comes expecting a true sequel to the film series, they might be disappointed.
Harvey Keitel as Peter Sadusky, the former FBI Special Agent who is now considered deranged due to his consistent conspiracy theories, is a sheer delight. Sadly, his presence is limited to only the first episode. On the other hand, it makes the premiere stand out.
Most of the first episode is spent on character and plot introductions, which turns out to be less complicated than one might assume. While it is too early to comment on the character development, it seems that the script could have been more multidimensional, something that has become a staple for good television in recent years.
Without spoiling the fun, plot-wise, we can say that the mystery and the puzzles are here to stay. This has the potential to be a very intriguing watch for children and adults alike. The reaction from original fans of National Treasure may vary significantly, but there is nothing that indicates that this will be a flawed series.
The first two episodes of National Treasure: Edge of History are now streaming on Disney+.