NCIS aired its eighth episode for the 19th season on November 29. The long-running police procedural show is among the longest-running shows of all time and continues to go strong with the newer episodes.
The latest episode is titled "Peacekeeper" and deals with the case of a Navy reservist whose body was found in a beat-up car at the end of a gun range. As the NCIS team dives into the case led by Jessica Knight (Katrina Law), forensic expert Kasie Hines (Dioana Reasonover) debates whether to get a handgun.
NCIS Season 19 Episode 8 plot: A story of guns
Unlike what it seems on top, NCIS's latest episode could have a more significant meaning, i.e., the idea of "peace-keeping" with the use of violence (ownership of firearms).
The episode begins with the case of a dead naval reservist in a nearly destroyed car, which has deep bullet holes. The team gets down to the case immediately and, as hinted by the hotel owner, first goes after the victim's ex-wife. As they conduct their investigation on her, they run across a familiar face, Kasie Hines.
Kasie was at a gun ownership seminar hosted by the victim's ex-wife, who was debating the pros of having a firearm. Knight runs into her and is pretty shocked. They continue investigating and find the victim had an affair with a friend and a subordinate of the ex-wife.
This leads the team to question the ex-wife, as now she also had a motive. They also discover that she used to pay alimony to the deceased, making a stronger case for the motive against the already under-suspicion wife.
Upon confrontation, the ex-wife makes an excellent case for how this is actually no motive for her, and the affair her ex was having could have been beneficial to her.
Meanwhile, Kasie and the forensics team uncover the gun used to kill the victim by analyzing the bullet hole. It is discovered that the weapon used was a 19th-Century vintage gun, the kind used by Adolf Hitler to shoot himself and James Bond in earlier films. They realize this gun would be easy to track.
The gun shop owner who sells these vintage guns reveals that the hotel owner from the beginning of the episode purchased the vintage weapon. In the confrontation, he initially denies but then admits to killing the victim, though accidentally.
He says he pointed the firearm, and it accidentally set off as they were very drunk at the time.
This comments powerfully on the debate on firearms vs no firearms that was the story's backbone and a central discussion in tonight's episode. The end of the episode sees Kasie with assistance and tips from Knight shooting at the gun range, laughing among themselves.
The next episode of NCIS Season 19 is set to air this coming week, titled "Collective Memory". Fans can stay tuned for more updates!