Netflix's new thriller series, Dear Child, will air on the streaming platform on Thursday, September 7, 2023. The show tells the story of a young girl and her mother who were kidnapped. However, their life takes a turn for the worse after they manage to escape. Take a look at the official synopsis of the show, according to Netflix:
''Lena lives in complete isolation in a highly secured home with the two children Hannah and Jonathan. They eat their meals, go to the toilet and to bed at precisely prescribed times. As soon as he enters the room, they line up to show their hands. They do everything he says. Until the young woman manages to escape. After a near fatal car accident, she is hospitalized, accompanied by Hannah.''
The description further reads,
''DEAR CHILD starts where traditional thrillers end: with redemption. But the true extent of this nightmare is revealed with the arrival of Lena's parents at the hospital the same night. They have been desperately searching for their missing daughter for almost 13 years…''
Dear Child stars Kim Riedle in the lead role, alongside numerous others essaying major supporting characters. The show is based on critically acclaimed author Romy Hausman's novel of the same name.
Dear Child cast list: Who stars in Netflix's new thriller series?
1) Kim Riedle as Lena
Kim Riedle reportedly stars in the lead role as Lena in Netflix's Dear Child. Lena, along with her child, was kidnapped and then found near an accident site, following which, they're rescued and start rebuilding their lives. However, there are several more challenges and dangers that lie ahead.
Riedle looks phenomenal in the show's trailer as she wonderfully captures her character's core traits with astonishing ease. Viewers can look forward to her delivering a compelling performance. Her other notable acting credits include Meine Freundin Volker, Beneath the Surface, O My God, and many more.
2) Naila Schuberth as Hannah
Naila Schuberth stars as Hannah in the new Netflix thriller series. Hannah is Lena's daughter who seems quite traumatized following the kidnapping incident. She and her mother try to recover from the event and look to rebuild their lives, but the journey isn't as remotely easy as they'd imagined.
Naila Schuberth looks quite impressive in the trailer and promises to deliver a riveting performance in the show. The young actress has received critical acclaim for her previous performances in Bird Box: Barcelona, Blackout, and Gefährliche Nähe.
3) Julika Jenkins as Karin Beck
Julika Jenkins portrays the character of Karin Beck in Dear Child. Apart from that, not many other details regarding her character are known at this point, but she's set to play a pivotal role in the story. She's previously starred in Vitus, Tatort, and Dark, among many more.
Apart from Julika Jenkins, Kim Riedle, and Naila Schuberth, the show also features many others portraying crucial supporting characters, including:
- Justus von Dohnányi as Matthias Beck
- Haley Louise Jones as Adia Kurt
- Hans Löw as Gerd Bühling
- Sammy Schrein as Jonathan
Don't forget to watch Dear Child on Netflix on Thursday, September 7, 2023.