Netflix's upcoming Turkish comedy flick, Do Not Disturb, will premiere on the streaming platform on Friday, September 29, 2023. The movie centers around a middle-aged man who manages to find a job at a quiet, mysterious hotel. On his first day, he faces a big challenge as he needs to deal with several wild guests.
Here's the official description of the movie, according to Netflix Media Center:
''Ayzek, who has been a waiter on ferries for years, becomes unemployed due to the pandemic and eventually finds a job at a hotel on the night shift, however who knows what will happen to Ayzek on his first night.''
Do Not Disturb has critically acclaimed Turkish actor and comedian Cem Yilmaz - who's also written and directed the film - in the lead role, with many others playing crucial supporting characters.
Do Not Disturb cast list: Who stars in the new Turkish comedy film?
1) Cem Yilmaz as Ayzek
Cem Yilmaz stars in the lead role as protagonist Ayzek in Netflix's Do Not Disturb. Ayzek is a middle-aged man who lost his job as a waiter aboard ferries during the pandemic. He eventually finds a job at a hotel after the pandemic subsides, but his new job isn't as easy as he'd imagined as he soon realizes that he needs to deal with several wild guests.
Ayzek is the heart and soul of the movie and it's his journey that forms the crux of the story. Cem perfectly portrays his character's core traits with remarkable ease whilst also displaying his distinctive sense of humor, and viewers can expect him to deliver a memorable performance in the movie.
He's previously appeared in the G.O.R.A franchise, The Water Diviner, Organize İşler, and many other films and TV series.
2) Ahsen Eroglu
Ahsen Eroglu is also a part of the cast of the new Turkish comedy film. Not many details about her character are known at this point, but based on the trailer of the film, she seems to be a recruiter/trainer working at the hotel where Ayzek finds a job following the pandemic slump.
Ahsen Eroglu is a noted Turkish actress who's been part of quite a few films and TV shows over the years. These include The Agency, Kuzgun, Kizlarim Icin, Mother, and You Do You, to name a few.
3) Celal Kadri Kinoglu
Celal Kadri Kinoglu will also play a key role in Do Not Disturb. Details regarding his character are currently being kept under tight wraps. Celal Kadri Kinoglu has previously starred in Acemi Cadı, Sweet Life, and Take a Deep Breath, among many more.
Apart from the aforementioned actors, the film also stars numerous others playing significant supporting/minor roles. These include:
- Nilperi Sahinkaya
- Özge Özberk
- Bülent Sakrak
- Zafer Algöz
- Aziz Yanik
The official trailer for Do Not Disturb shows protagonist Ayzek preparing himself for his first night at the hotel. However, things do not go as smoothly as he'd imagined, thanks to a bunch of erratic guests. The trailer maintains a wild and comic tone that fans of oddball comedies would certainly enjoy.
Viewers can stream Do Not Disturb on Netflix on Friday, September 29, 2023.