Junior Baking Show’s latest installment will air on Netflix at 3:01 am on August 17. The show used to previously air on CBBC until the popular streaming platform bagged the rights to the show. The baking show is a spin-off of the Great British Bake-Off (GBBO) and features 16 young talented bakers. While there is no cash prize for the best baker, these miniature-sized bakers will compete for bragging rights over their fellow contestants.
Junior Baking Show, also popularly known as Junior Bake-Off, has been on air since 2011.
For the first few seasons, the show’s judges were Liam Charles and Prue Leith, but due to scheduling issues, the latter had to step away and hand her position to pastry chef Ravneet Gill. Joining the judges this season as the host is comedian Harry Hill.
Junior Baking Show: who crowns the best baker
The judges of season 6 are not unfamiliar with what it takes to whip up a good dessert, since one of them has been a pastry chef for over eight years, while the other has been a competitor on the adult version of the show. The two have been judging Junior Baking Show since 2020 after Ravneet Gill replaced Prue Leith. Returning as host to complete the team is comedian Harry Hill.
Ravneet Gill
The pastry chef had big shoes to fill when Leith handed the judging torch to Gill but the pressure did not weigh her down. The baker, author, and entrepreneur trained at the world-famous Le Cordon Bleu after earning a degree in psychology from the University of Southampton. She has over eight years of experience as a pastry chef and has worked at notable locations in London, including St. JOHN, Llewelyn’s, Black Axe Mangal, and Wild by Tart.
Gill launched CounterTalk, a platform specifically designed to help chefs network and connect in 2018. The platform’s aim is to provide healthy, equal, and nurturing environments in the hospitality and food industry.
Through CounterTalk, the Junior Baking Show judge has held many food talks and events which led to her being voted as one of the 100 most influential people in the industry.
Ravneet Gill launched her first book, The Pastry Chef’s Guide: The secret to successful baking every time, in 2020 followed by Sugar, I Love You in 2021.
Liam Charles
The British baker shot to fame after leaving a huge impression during his time on GBBO and landed himself a job hosting Bake Off: The Professionals. The 25-year-old was born in Hackney, London and studied drama and theater arts at Goldsmiths University. Due to his love of baking, he was often referred to as Cake Boy by his peers.
The GBBO fan favorite was also immediately offered his own show on Channel 4 titled Liam Bakes in 2018.
The synopsis of the show read:
"Former The Great British Baking Show (2010) contestant Liam Charles brings a fresh new cookery show to Channel 4 as cameras follow him around his East London neighborhood encouraging friends, family and viewers to get baking."
The celebrity chef has written two cookbooks, Cheeky Treats: 70 Brilliant Bakes and Cakes, and Second Helpings. He also regularly writes baking columns for The Guardian and has been a judge on Junior Baking Show since 2019.
Tune in for more updates about the tiny bakers on Junior Baking Show.