Netflix's upcoming South African drama series, titled Miseducation, is all set to hit the streaming platform on Friday, September 15, 2023. The show focuses on a young social media influencer who goes through an extremely humiliating and embarassing experience, following which she decides to enroll in a university in order to regain the public's respect.
Netflix Media Center's description of the show reads:
''Miseducation is a teen comedy-drama that follows a young, self-absorbed, first year varsity student who, after a fall from grace at her previous elite private school, embarks on a mission to climb the social ranks at a small-town university, in the hopes of being the stand-out, popular girl she used to be.''
The description further reads:
''Thrust into varsity, with new challenges, Mbali Hadebe and her new, eclectic clique of friends, try to overcome various young adult struggles, while coming to terms with who they want to be and how they want to be perceived.''
Miseducation stars Buntu Petse in the lead role, with several other actors portraying crucial supporting characters. The drama show is created by Katleho Ramaphakela and Rethabile Ramaphakela.
Buntu Petse and others star in Miseducation
1) Buntu Petse as Mbali Hadebe
Young actress Buntu Petse plays the lead role of Mbali Hadebe in Netflix's Miseducation. Mbali is an aspiring social media influencer whose life takes a dramatic turn after her house is raided by the police, thanks to her politician mother's corrupt practices. She then enrols at a university as she looks to gain the respect that she lost.
Mbali is the protagonist of the story and it's her journey that the show majorly focuses on. Buntu Petse is perfectly cast in the role as she wonderfully embodies her character's charm, liveliness, and charisma with stunning ease.
Petse hasn't had any major film/TV appearances in the past, but based on the trailer of the new film, she's expected to deliver an impressive performance in her first-ever leading role.
2) Baby Cele as Brenda Hadebe
Baby Cele essays the role of Brenda Hadebe in the new Netflix drama series. Brenda is Mbali's mother, who's a corrupt politician. Her corrupt practices ultimately lead to the police raiding her house and seizing her family's assets. The entire episode shatters her and her daughter.
Brenda plays a pivotal role in Mbali's life and it'll be interesting to see how her character evolves over the course of the show.
Baby Cele has previously appeared in Shak iLembe, Blood & Water, and Ring of Lies, to name a few.
3) Nicole Bessick as Raeesah
Nicole Bessick dons the role of Raeesah in Miseducation. Based on Netflix's description, Raeesah seems to be the runner of a popular gossip show on campus, named The Spill.
Not much else is known about her character as of now. Nicole Bessick's other acting credits include Cold Harbour, Daryn's Gym, Binnelanders, and many more.
Apart from the above-mentioned actors, the film also stars many others in pivotal supporting roles like:
- Lunga Shabalala
- Micaela Tucker
- Prev Reddy
- Ebenhazer Dibakwane
You can watch all the episodes of Miseducation on Netflix on Friday, September 15, 2023.