The Surrogacy is a Mexican drama series that will premiere on Netflix on June 15, 2023. The series stars Shani Lozano as Yeni, a woman who is coerced into surrogacy to save her father. Yeni becomes entangled with an affluent family who will protect their reputation at all costs.
The series is much anticipated for its suspenseful plot, seemingly strong performances, and timely social commentary. It was created by Leticia Calderón and Elisa Salinas, and is produced by Argos Comunicación.
The Surrogacy trailer promises strong performances from its lead cast
The excitement surrounding the series reached its peak with the release of the official trailer on Netflix's Latin American YouTube channel. This sneak peek into the world of The Surrogacy left fans eagerly anticipating the show's premiere.
Viewers can expect a suspenseful plot that will keep one guessing until the very end. It includes strong performances from the cast, including Leticia Calderón, who gives a tour-de-force performance as Elena.
1) Shani Lozano as Yeni
Leading the cast of the show is the talented Shani Lozano, making her acting debut in the role of Yeni, the central character of the series.
Yeni is a resilient and courageous woman who finds herself making the difficult decision to become a surrogate mother in order to save her father's life.
As the series progresses, Yeni's life takes unexpected turns, leading her on a path of self-discovery and truth.
2) Leticia Calderón as Elena
Leticia Calderón, known for her role in In the Name of Love, takes on the character of Elena.
Elena is a member of the powerful Mexican business family that hires Yeni as a surrogate. The trailer suggests that Elena's actions and choices will have a significant impact on the lives of those around her, adding layers of complexity to her character.
3) Minnie West as Victoria
Minnie West, recognized for her work in Me gusta, pero me asusta, brings Victoria to life in the show.
Victoria is a member of the affluent family involved in the surrogacy arrangement. Her character's motivations and interactions with Yeni shape the course of the narrative, adding tension and drama to the storyline.
4) Emmanuel Orenday as Santiago
Emmanuel Orenday, known for his role in Hoping Heart, portrays Santiago, a pivotal character in the show.
Santiago becomes an integral part of Yeni's life, and their relationship evolves amidst the challenging circumstances they find themselves in. Orenday's portrayal of Santiago adds depth and emotion to the series.
5) Marcela Guirado as Ana
Marcela Guirado, recognized for her role in Fantasías, takes on the character of Ana in The Surrogacy.
Ana is another member of the wealthy family involved in the surrogacy agreement.
Guirado's performance adds nuance to Ana's character, as she navigates the complexities of family dynamics and personal choices.
6) Luis Ernesto Franco as Roberto
Luis Ernesto Franco, known for his role in False Identity, embodies Roberto in the show.
Roberto is a significant presence within the Mexican business family and plays a vital role in shaping the events that unfold. Franco's portrayal captures the multifaceted nature of Roberto's character, leaving viewers intrigued and curious.
7) Alejandro de la Madrid as Andrés
Alejandro de la Madrid, recognized for his work in El Señor de los Cielos, portrays Andrés in the show.
Andrés becomes entangled in Yeni's life, forming a connection that influences the choices they make.
De la Madrid's performance adds depth and complexity to Andrés, leaving audiences captivated by his character's journey.
8) Camila Selser as Carolina
Camila Selser, known for her role in Sr. Ávila, takes on the character of Carolina in The Surrogacy.
Carolina's presence brings an additional layer of intrigue to the series as she becomes involved in the lives of Yeni and the wealthy family. Selser's portrayal of Carolina showcases her versatility as an actress, captivating viewers with her performance.
If you're looking for a suspenseful, well-acted, and thought-provoking drama, then this is the show for you.
The Surrogacy streams on Netflix from June 15, 2023.