Disney Pixar's latest movie, Turning Red, has been turning heads for K-pop fans across the globe. In a recent interview, Turning Red's director, Domee Shi, admitted that she had modeled the boy band, 4*Town, after K-pop veteran bands like BIGBANG and 2PM. While this news bought smiles across all K-pop fans' faces, what caught their attention was how they felt represented.
Watching Meilin a.k.a Mei Lee and her friends - Miriam, Priya, and Abby - fangirl over boy band 4*Town, K-pop fans from across the globe could relate to their elation. The movie perfectly depicted the behavior, the frenzy and the lengths fans would go through to see their idols live.
It accurately captured the confusion, emotional turmoil and excitement young teenage girls project towards idol bands.
Many K-pop fans and netizens who have watched the movie have expressed inputs regarding how they felt represented.
What do netizens say about K-pop representation in Disney Pixar's Turning Red?
Fans and netizens expressed how the movie captured the awkwardness and feelings teenage girls experience and how boy bands act as a beacon of stability through all the pre-pubescent changes.
It accurately captures the craze and popularity around talented boys who can sing pitch-perfect notes and dance immaculately.
A netizen believed that the movie narrated the story of a fangirl. The story follows a young girl and her friends who want to view their favorite band live. It showed the impressionable nature and lengths teenage girls are willing to go to get close to their favorite boyband.
One netizen highlighted how they could relate to a scene where the protagonist doodled the newly discovered romantic feelings she developed for one of the band members. It's relatable because the netizen did the same.
A few other netizens addressed the issue of being a fangirl from a strict family. One addressed how parents cannot fathom the names of idol groups. Whereas another netizen highlighted how fangirling is sometimes considered to be an act of rebellion.
One netizen presented an interesting speculation. This netizen believed that one of the band members, Tae Young, was inspired by the boy-band sensation, BTS. The netizen also points out that the father is named Jin for a reason.
With the movie representing Asian immigrants, strong Asian lineage and idol groups, Turning Red continues to be the topic of conversation on the worldwide web.