Conan O’Brien, the popular TV host and comedian has returned to The Tonight Show. While Conan was earlier seen as the host of the show, this time he made an appearance on the show as a guest to promote his upcoming series, Conan O’Brien Must Go. As he appeared in the episode aired on April 9, 2024, he stated how he was feeling nostalgic as all his memories were “flooding back.”
He said:
"It's weird to come back. I haven’t been in this building for such a long time, and I haven’t been on this floor in forever. I was here for 16 years doing the Late Night show before we went out to L.A. and right across the hall — all these memories came flooding back to me.”
Conan O’Brien was the host of The Tonight Show for roughly two seasons before he was reportedly laid off in 2010. As per People, the predecessor of the show, Jay Leno decided to come back. However, Jimmy Fallon was later recruited to replace Leno in 2014, and the comedian continues to be the host of the show as of this writing.
During the show, he spoke to Jimmy Fallon about his time hosting the show and also stated the many instances when his height made it difficult for the shorter guests. Conan also talked about the time he met Fallon on the show, as noted that it was his first time on any talk show.
After Conan O’Brien’s exit from The Tonight Show, he started another talk show, “Conan”
Conan O’Brien, born in April 1963, is renowned for hosting many late-night talk shows including Late Night with Conan O’Brien from 1993 to 2009. He gained popularity after he signed up to do The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien. However, as he exited from the show in 2010, he started another show, called Conan, which lasted for 11 seasons, from 2010 to 2021.
Before he started hosting shows, Conan was a writer for many comedy series, and Live shows, such as Saturday Night Live, The Simpsons, etc.
In 2018, he started his own podcast, Conan O'Brien Needs a Friend, where he interviewed many actors, comedians, and celebrities including Adam Sandler, David Letterman, Bill Burr, Tom Hanks, Lisa Kudrow, etc.
He has also voiced many audiobooks including Assassination Vacation, DC Universe, etc. He is now all set to launch his new show, Conan O’Brien Must Go, which is going to be a travel show. The show is scheduled to air on Max from April 18, 2024.
It will feature the comedian meeting fans and followers in Norway, Argentina, and Ireland and even a brief visit to Thailand.
A brief look at Conan's career
Apart from hosting shows on Television, Conan has also hosted many award functions, including the Primetime Emmy Awards in 2002, and 2006. He has also been the host of the MTV Movie Awards in 2014 and was also seen as the presenter of the Christmas in Washington.
He has also been seen in many TV shows as a guest in How I Met Your Mother, Real Husbands of Hollywood, Nashville, Family Guy, Murderville, etc. In addition to his work in television, O'Brien has also made a good amount of film appearances. He did cameos in films, including Dads, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, Bewitched, and Now You See Me.
Social media users were left thrilled as Conan was seen after more than a decade on the show.