38-year-old Aaron Thomas, a South Jersey father, has been captured confronting teenagers who allegedly harassing his daughter. The incident took place at a Paulsboro High School classroom, on Monday, March 18, 2024. The footage has been posted on Instagram and authorities are using it as a part of the investigation.
While Thomas reportedly yelled at one teenager, he allegedly grabbed the arm of another student. He was heard telling one teen,
"You got a problem with my daughter? Apologize to my daughter."
Before the alleged confrontation took place, Thomas reportedly pulled his daughter out of her classroom. School authorities soon called cops who later arrested Thomas, the same day.
New Jersey man Aaron Thomas allegedly confronted two teenagers who apparently had harassed his daughter
A chaotic incident took place on Monday at a Gloucester County school. A 38-year-old parent arrived at a classroom and threatened some teenagers who allegedly had misbehaved with his daughter. The entire incident was filmed and then posted on Instagram.
Thomas was seen threatening to punch a teen after he allegedly had a dispute with her daughter. While he asked the teen to applogized to his daughter, the frightened boy claimed that he didn't do anything wrong with her. However, this didn't stop the enraged father who yelled saying,
"You heard what the f*ck I said. Apologize to my daughter — now."
Shortly after this confrontation, Aaron Thomas went ahead confronting another student. This was when another adult intervened and attempted to escort Thomas out of the classroom. The adult was heard telling Aaron Thomas,
"It's not worth it."
NJ Advance Media reported that Aaron made some kind of physical contact with the second teen. According to cops, he grabbed his arm during this altercation. Shortly after this, the 38-year-old father left the classroom and then the school premises too. The suspect faces simple assault, terrorist threats, trespassing, and disorderly conduct charges.
Aaron's actions have received contradicting reactions on the internet
According to the New York Post, it is not yet clear as to how Aaron Thomas got to know about the two specific kids. It is also not yet determined as to who let him enter the classroom. 6 ABC obtained an affidavit according to which the arrested man's daughter was having a rift with the students over some images that were shared.
The Paulsboro School District superintendent addressed the incident in a letter, and confirmed that law enforcement officials are looking into the matter. It has been revealed that it took about three hours for school authorities to call the police.
The footage on Instagram received a lot of response. While some fellow parents believed that Aaron's actions were justified, some believe that he could deal with the matter in a better way. A parent, identified as Ed Rosas, said,
"As a father, I can understand exactly what he's saying, what he's doing. But also, as a father of a child that's in the schools, to have a stranger come in to do what he did is also wrong."
Law&Crime reported that authorities have concealed additional details, for investigation purposes.