Insidious: The Red Door, the much-awaited fifth film in Leigh Whannell's popular horror franchise, opened with a rather underwhelming critics' response after its recent theatrical debut on Friday, July 7. Despite the initial hype, the film managed to get only 38% approval on Rotten Tomatoes, which is quite low. On the other hand, the audience score for the same site went well beyond 70%, making it quite favorable.
Like with horror movies before, Insidious: The Red Door managed to be another film that divided the audiences and critics, with most audience claiming that the film is way better than the rating portrays. Meanwhile, another section seems to agree with the critics, leaving the internet divided among fans, with each taking their preferred sides.
The latest horror flick is one of the many films that is seeing fans protest against the critics' rating. The same thing was recently also seen when Jennifer Lawrence's No Hard Feelings released, which also did poorly according to most critic reviews.
Insidious: The Red Door becomes a subject of debate on Twitter
Insidious: The Red Door's viewers seem to be at loggerheads with each other. Fans were mainly divided into two parts, with some agreeing with the critics' score and others arguing against it.
Insidious: The Red Door marks the debut of horror movies' universe veteran Patrick Wilson as a director. The film features a screenplay by Scott Teems and is based on a story by Leigh Whannell and Teems. Like the previous installments, James Wan serves as a producer.
The film stars Ty Simpkins, Wilson, Andrew Astor, Rose Byrne, Steve Coulter, Whannell, Angus Sampson, and Lin Shaye, alongside Hiam Abbass and Sinclair Daniel.
Insidious: The Red Door is currently playing in theatres.