The iconic Bad Boys franchise is back with a fourth installment, as the first trailer dropped on Tuesday, March 26. Dubbed Bad Boys: Ride or Die, Will Smith and Martin Lawrence can be seen reprising their roles as Lowrey and Burnett.
Featuring the duo engaging in various stunts, the action-packed trailer showcases both trying to clear the name of their former police captain, Conrad Howard. However, in a twist, it is revealed that Lowrey and Burnett have now become fugitives themselves.
The official website for Bad Boys has released the film synopsis:
Bad Boys: Ride or Die will be released on June 7, 2024.
What does the Bad Boys: Ride or Die trailer reveal?
The three-minute trailer uploaded by Sony Pictures Entertainment on YouTube opens with actors Will Smith and Martin Lawrence announcing the commencement of the trailer with a countdown.
Next, their characters, Lowrey and Burnett, are seen driving in a car and engaging in hilarious banter. When Burnett goes into a store to buy some food, he is held at gunpoint by a robber. However, the pair easily handled the crisis and moved on.
But the real challenge is revealed when the men learn that their late police captain, Conrad Howard, who died in the last film, is accused of corruption. With a secret video message featuring Howard instructing his "bad boys" to clear his name, Lowrey and Burnett assemble a team to do the job.
After a sneak peek of an intense fight sequence on an aircraft, it is disclosed that the two policemen are now considered fugitives and on the run. The trailer ends with a funny scene where two men catch Lowrey and Burnett stealing their clothes and ask them to sing a Reba McEntire song. The heroes comically fail, giving a taste of the humor and fun the movie has in store.
Bad Boys: Ride or Die is directed by Adil El Arbi and Bilall Fallah. Besides Will Smith and Martin Lawrence, other cast members include Vanessa Hudgens, Paolo Núñez, Alexander Ludwig, Joe Pantoliano, and Tiffany Haddish. Eric Dane will appear as the villain.
After multiple delays and date changes, Bad Boys: Ride or Ride is officially set to release on June 7, 2024.