Bravo's Below Deck Mediterranean season 8 recently premiered on September 25. The show got off to a controversial start after it was discovered that Bosun Ruan Irving had shown up with allegedly forged documents. He revealed that he had previously worked only on private vessels where he was allowed to send in photocopies of his documents instead of submitting the originals.
However, Below Deck's Captain Sandy Yawn slammed him and said:
“That is not OK. We are in a bind. For the MCA officer, he wants originals. You have got to be freaking kidding me. This is someone else’s picture on Ruan’s certificate. This is major, this is like a whole different level. This is not OK. The entire vessel could be arrested because of one crew member.”
Below Deck Mediterranean's Ruan Irving's Yacht Masters certificate had reportedly been forged
As fans began to enjoy the show, which was set against the backdrop of the beautiful Italian Riviera, the premiere episode left them shocked. As usual, the first episode saw the Officer of the Watch scrutinize each of the cast member's documents at a port.
However, Ruan's paperwork was flagged for not being original and Captain Sandy quickly asked him to leave. The Captain stated that this was "not ok" and mentioned that Ruan's actions put the entire crew at risk of being arrested.
According to Below Deck's official findings, Ruan's medical license had not been certified. Instead, he had sent in photocopies of official documents instead of originals. The situation was such that while Ruan might have had the original documents, his failure to produce them ended up casting doubt on his credentials.
Ruan claimed that he got his paperwork from boats in Monaco and that over the last three years, he had never been told that they were fake. He claimed that he had stored the originals at home safely and their authenticity had never been questioned. What's more, while the medical license was not original, his Yacht Masters certificate had reportedly been forged.
When Ruan claimed that he got the certificate from Monaco, Sandy stated that the process did not work that way. This meant that either Ruan was wilfully lying about his certification, or had simply been duped. However, Captain Sandy had no choice but to leave Ruan on the dock.
However, she claimed that she would be willing to let him return to the deck team once the situation had been resolved:
"I am a factual person. I am seeing what I see—this is a problem. Sometimes mistakes happen; however, I am kind of thinking this isn't the case here. Regardless, this is really bad, and I am in a horrible situation having to start the first charter without a chief stew and now a bosun," she said.
Ruan later called Sandy on the boat and stated that he had decided not to return to the Yacht and the show.
New episodes of Below Deck Mediterranean season 8 will release every Monday on Bravo, at 9 pm ET.