Summer House, Bravo's popular reality show, returned to screens on February 22, 2024, and aired its second episode this week on Thursday, February 29, 2024. The segment saw Carl Radke and Lindsay Hubbard return to the Hamptons for a weekend with the rest of the cast after missing the first weekend away.
The couple got into a big fight during the episode after Lindsay felt that Carl was dismissive of his feelings and shut her down. Lindsay felt that Carl was dismissive of her concerns about the female cast members being upset about her sitting in the all-boys car while going to the club, but he didn't think it was a big deal.
While Lindsay felt dismissed, Carl believed that Lindsay "got in" his face and accused him of being high. Carl, who has been sober for almost three years, did not like it, and neither did fans.
They took to X to express their opinions and slammed Lindsay for her comments. One person, @TheJonVaughn, wrote:
"Lindsay... wowwwww! Carl, you dodged a bullet. Anyone who weaponizes a loved one's sobriety against them to manipulate them into affirming your insecurities...BEYOND disgusting."
Summer House fans disgusted by Lindsay's comments about Carl's sobriety
In Summer House season 8 episode 2, Carl and Lindsay joined the rest of the cast after being absent for the first weekend away in the Hamptons. During the segment, Carl and Lindsay, who were engaged at the time of filming, got into a heated discussion about the rest of the cast's perspective of Lindsay.
Lindsay Hubbard was worried that the women would think too much of her riding with the guys on the way to the club. When she told her then-fiance, Carl, about her concerns, she felt like he dismissed them.
Carl, however, told a different story. In a confessional, he noted that he was as calm as he could have been with her and told her that she was fine and that it wasn't that "deep."
He also told the cameras that the Summer House season 8 cast member accused him of being on drugs and asked him what he was on. Carl's former boss and friend, Kyle Cooke, also chimed in on the situation.
"I can't even put into words how quickly Lindsay went from zero to 100. She immediately starts to kind of freak out."
However, that wasn't the end of the fight. At the club, Lindsay told Gabby to take her home and told her that she didn't think that Carl was sober. She noted that his behavior reminded her of when he was on cocaine.
"Something's wrong with Carl. The way he was speaking to me, he was cocaine Carl tonight. It was weird."
A worried Gabby called Carl to check up on him and told Linday that her then-fiancé sounded sober to her. Carl expressed the hurt that was caused by Lindsay's words and said that he was shaking. He said it was "beyond hurtful" and that it pained him.
Summer House fans took to social media to echo his thoughts and were glad that the couple had since broken up.
Summer House season 8 will return next week with a brand new episode on Bravo.