Bindle Bottle, which is currently available on their official website and Amazon, grabbed the attention of netizens after the company released a recall notice recently. The notice states that their products have an area of exposed lead in the bottom storage compartment that can adulterate the food, leading to health issues.
According to a statement on the company's website, customers' safety is their priority. It continues:
"We sincerely apologize to you for the inconvenience of this voluntary recall. At Bindle Bottle, we pride ourselves on placing safety first, and we will continue to stand behind our product line."
The notice states that a soldering dot in the dry storage container at the bottom consists of lead, which was proven during testing. The problem can be found in the products that were purchased before February 15, 2023. The notice further elaborates that production is currently halted as the company will work on removing the problems attached to the products.
For more help, Bindle Bottle has also launched a separate page on its website where those who wish to get a free repair kit can file a request. The company has told everyone to avoid using the bottom compartment until they have received the safety kit, and the interior can presently be used for liquid storage as it has been proven to be safe.
What must one do if they have purchased Bindle Bottle that has come under a recall?
The official website of Bindle Bottle states that they have recently issued a recall notice as the dry storage container at the bottom of the bottle has a dot of finishing solder that might contain lead. This also increases the health risk if unpackaged food is placed in the dry storage compartment.
The website clarified that all sizes and colors have been affected, including the ones in Puppy Packs. However, they have mentioned all the necessary steps for those who have already purchased the affected bottles.
The website asked its customers to register for a free repair kit, following which the company will ship the kit when it is available. They stated that people can use the dry storage compartment once the repair kit is applied.
For further details, people can visit their FAQ page or send an email to [email protected]. Bindle Bottle comes in four sizes: 32 oz, 24 oz, 20 oz, and 13 oz, and their prices range between $29 to $44.
What is lead poisoning?
According to the Mayo Clinic, lead poisoning happens when lead builds up all over the body, and kids younger than six years are expected to contract it easily. Although the problem cannot be detected easily, the common symptoms in children and adults differ.
In children, the symptoms can include developmental delays, learning difficulties, irritability, appetite loss, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal pain, vomiting, constipation, hearing loss, and seizures. Adults might experience high blood pressure, joint and muscle pain, memory and concentration problems, headaches, abdominal pain, mood disorders, and miscarriage.
The problem can be prevented by washing hands and toys, cleaning dusty surfaces, removing shoes before entering the house, preventing children from playing on soil, and eating a healthy diet.