A 12-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy tragically lost their lives in an incident that took place at Bournemouth beach on Wednesday, May 31. Sunnah Khan and Joe Abbess died after facing difficulties in the water. The cause of death is speculated to be drowning, as per reports from the coroner's office. Eight other people were also involved in the incident that took place on Bournemouth beach but none of them were critically injured.
17- year old Joe from Southampton, and 12-year-old Sunnah from Buckinghamshire, lost their lives after the incident took place. Both kids came to the Bournemouth beach as part of separate groups. The victims were initially rescued from the beach but later passed away in the hospital.
This came after Dorset police received reports from paramedics about people requiring assistance on the Beach near the Bournemouth pier on the afternoon of May 31.
A 12-year-old and a 17-year-old died in the Bournemouth beach incident, families mourn their loss
In a tweet that has gone on to receive over 2 million views, Stephanie Williams, the mother of Sunnah Khan mourned the loss of her daughter by stating that no parent should ever have to go through what she and Sunnah's father were going through. She wrote:
"On Wednesday I lost my beautiful daughter at Bournemouth beach. Sunnah was so well loved and well liked. No parent should ever have to go through what her dad and I are going through. We love you so much baby girl."
Joe Abbess' family paid tribute to the deceased boy in a statement made through Dorset Police's official website. They wrote that Joe was a kind and hardworking individual, and was also a wonderful son and brother. The statement read:
"We are heartbroken and devastated at the death of our Joe. He was a wonderful son and brother who is sadly missed. His family and friends will always love him and we are incredibly proud of the fabulous young man he was. He was kind and generous, loving and caring, hardworking and funny,"
His family revealed that Joe was a talented trainee chef and thanked his friends and emergency services who helped him during the incident.
They continued:
“Joe was a talented trainee chef, with a bright future ahead of him. We were privileged to have him in our lives for 17 years and we are so sorry he will never fulfill his dreams and ambitions. He was enjoying a day at the beach on Wednesday and we would like to thank his friends and all of the emergency services who helped him, when this tragedy unfolded."
Police are investigating the circumstances that led to the incident
Amid speculation that the pair got caught in a Riptide, police dismissed claims that they either jumped off from the pier or got hit by a boat. Dorset police requested the public to not speculate about what might have led to the incident and informed them that the impact of weather conditions was being investigated.
A 40-year-old man who was in the water with the kids, at the time of the incident was arrested on suspicion of manslaughter but was later released on Thursday. As part of a line of inquiry, the Dorset police also impounded the Dorset Belle sightseeing boat.
Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset, David Sidwick, explained that the investigation, which involved multiple agencies was complex and that they needed to work without any hindrance.
He said:
"They are working together as fast as they can to find out what happened on that day and I truly believe that they need to be given the time and space to do that fully, thoroughly, professionally without hindrance,"
He added:
"At this moment in time we have to understand that this is an immensely complex situation - the police moved to rule out those things which they could rule out when they had enough evidence to be able to do that."
Police have requested witnesses to share their recordings from the day of the incident on Bournemouth beach with detectives and not social media.