The Late Night Talk show host Jimmy Fallon recently garnered massive backlash after he allegedly called the trans star Hunter Schafer “bud” during an interview. As Hunter Schafer appeared on Jimmy Fallon’s show to promote her latest film, Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbords & Snakes, she talked about her childhood obsession with the original Hunger Games trilogy.
She then showed a picture of herself dressed as one of the Capitol residents. Seeing the picture, Jimmy Fallon said:
“This is really cool! Now you’re in Hunger Games! Look at you, congratulations, bud!”
However, as the clips started floating on social media, many argued and claimed that the term “bud” is generally used for men, as it is masculine-coded. With many claiming that Jimmy Fallon should not have called Hunter “bud,” others are now jumping in his defense and claiming that these terms are “universal.”
Many others also shared old clips of the talk show host calling other celebrities like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande the same term. In 2021, he filmed a promo with Swift, where he was seen going into her dressing room and saying:
“Hey bud. I’m so excited! 10 minutes until show time.”
Netizens come in Jimmy Fallon’s defense after he received backlash for calling Hunter Schafer “bud”
On November 17, 2023, Jimmy Fallon’s episode got him in deep waters as he called the trans star “bud.” Many alleged that the term is used for male friends, and Hunter now identifies as a female. While Jimmy Fallon was all praises for Hunter during the episode, the part where he called her “bud” did not sit well with some netizens.
However, many other social media users came to his defense and claimed that terms like bud, bro, and even dude are gender-neutral and can be used for any gender. Here is how netizens reacted as an Instagram account, @Pubity, posted about it on the platform:
At the moment, neither Jimmy Fallon nor the Hunger Games star have reacted to the controversy. However, netizens remain divided as a few lashed out at the host, while others defended him.