American singer Courtney Love has come forward to support Johnny Depp amid his heated court battle with ex-wife Amber Heard. In a 2-minute video shared on social media, the 57-year-old claimed that the Pirates of the Caribbean actor once saved the lives of her daughter and her. However, Love also sympathized with Amber Heard in the video, stating that she undersood what it was like to be "the most hated woman in the world."
It is important to note that Courtney Love did not share the story on own social media account. Instead, it was posted on the Instagram story of a profile tagged @houseinhabit.
Jessica Reed Kraus, owner of the account @houseinhabit, claimed later that she had her Instagram account "taken down" immediately after sharing the video. She republished the complete footage on Twitter on May 19, but it has once again been deleted.
Courtney Love said in the video:
"I don't really wanna make judgments publicly, but I just want to tell you that Johnny gave me CPR in 1995 when I overdosed outside the Viper Room with Sal. Johnny, when I was on crack and Frances was having to suffer through that with social workers, wrote her a four-page letter that she's never showed me on her 13th birthday. He didn't really know me."
Courtney Love revealed that Johnny Depp has helped her daughter on numerous occasions
The You Know My Name crooner mentioned that Depp sent limos to her daughter's school to pick the latter up during a time when social workers were "crawling around." He also sent the now 29-year-old Frances Bean Cobain to watch the Pirates of the Caribbean film. According to Love, her daughter acknowledged Depp's contributions.
"You know, she said to me when she was 13, 'mama, he saved my life'. And she said it again."
Courtney Love then went on to speak about her views on Heard. She expressed sympathy for Heard's predicament, but appeared to disagree with her actions.
"I've been the most hated woman in America. I've been the most hated woman in the world, before TikTok, and it's really a lot of empathy for what that must feel like for Amber. Can you imagine how that feels? Jesus."
Courtney Love further continued on how she felt Heard was taking advantage of the system:
"But if you use a movement for your own personal gain, and you inhabit queer feminist intersectional spaces, and you abuse that moment, then I hope justice gets served whatever it is. And I think we should have less schadenfreude and more empathy for all concerned."
Case details
The high-profile defamation case has a 2018 op-ed piece written by Amber Heard for The Washington Post at the center of teh controversy. She claimed that she had been a victim of domestic violence in the article, but never named Depp directly. However, Depp's lawyers made the case that her allegations tarnished his professional career and sued her for $50 million. Amber Heard countersued Depp for $100 million.