Six cattle were found dead with their tongues removed, but no signs of struggle were discovered, nor was any blood spilled in Texas this past week. The cows were found along a Texas highway in Brazon, Robertson, and Madison County. Authorities are currently investigating the mysterious deaths.
The Madison County Sheriff’s Office, which is located about an hour and a half north of Houston, Texas, provided details about the mysterious deaths on Wednesday, April 19, 2023.
Trigger warning: This article contains graphic mentions and pictures of animal abuse. Reader's discretion is advised.
According to the Madison County Sheriff’s Office, a six-year-old longhorn-cross cow was found mutilated, lying on her side. The sheriff’s office said that a clean, straight cut had been made with seeming precision to remove the cowhide around its mouth on one side. The cut also left the mat underneath the removed cowhide untouched. However, no signs of tire tracks or footprints were found in the area.
What was strange about the incident was that no birds or predators were scavenging the remains of these cows, leaving them to decay for several weeks. Since much of the incident is shrouded in mystery, netizens are coming up with various theories related to cattle killings. As such, one Twitter user, @StaceyL58173579, thought that the incident was related to "demonic rituals."
Netizens share theories about mysterious cattle deaths in Texas
Theories about what could have possibly caused the deaths were recently discussed on social media. While some even suggested the culprit to some aliens, a few blamed the US government and the military for these deaths.
Disturbing facts about the deaths of the cattle in Texas
The story of the cattle got even weirder after it was found that each of these dead cows belonged to different herds of different pastures. They were not found together in the same place but in different counties along the remote and rural Texas State Highway.

The Madison County Sheriff’s Office said that more damage was done to two of the cows in a surgically-like manner. Their genitalia and anuses were removed, which the sheriff’s office stated, was done using a circular cut. They said that these cuts were done with similar precision that was used in the cuts around the jaw lines of each cow.
Ranchers in these areas noted another spooky factor - the grass around these dead cows looked supposedly undisturbed. The Madison County Sheriff’s Office said that the cause of the cattle’s deaths remains undetermined. The exact time of their deaths was not immediately clear, nor was the s*x of these animals.
Similar reports of mysterious deaths of cows have been filed around the United States. Authorities found five dead bulls in Oregon in 2019. Back then, the bulls also had their tongues and s*x organs removed. The deaths of these cattle prompted theories among the general public, which included everything from spaceships and carrion bugs to cult killings and satanic rituals.